Curse him !

" Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh ! " said Mana and Aden terrified .

" What are you guys yelling so much for ?! " said Aria in a tired tone and turned on the lights .

" Aaaaahhhhh ! " said Mana and Aaden again .

Aria looked at them with a ' are you serious ' expression .

" It was better with lights off ! " said Mana .

' These two !! ' thought Aria with a pensive face and sat on the couch next to the two of them .

Mana noticed that Aden was still a bit scared and sleepy at the same time . She smiled at him to calm him down a bit then took him to his room to sleep . After making sure Aden was warmly covered with his blanket and had fallen asleep , Mana went to the living room . When she entered , she looked at Aria who was sitting on the couch , looking paler than before .

" Aria , what's wrong with you ?!!!..... Did you vomit just now ? Should we go to the pharmacy and take some pills ? " asked Mana worried about what she had to do .