I like her

" W...W....W...What are you doing ?! " said Aria with her face red .

" Hahahaha ! I was joking a bit . " said Florence with a laugh . 

" It's not funny Florence ! You are being quite mean . " said Aria with her cheeks red and Florence laughed again .

' To get this red.....she's just too cute ! ' thought Florence with a devilish smile .

" I am going out to solve a problem of mine . You guys wait for me here . We will go and play a little . I am sure that you haven't gone to any fun place since you arrived here because you were too busy with work . " said Florence with a smile .

" For real ?! " asked Aria with her face still red .

" Yeah ! " said Florence and stroke Aden's head .

" Dada ! " said Aden with a happy expression .

Florence took his jacket and left in a hurry without even waiting for Aria's reply . When he left Aria looked at the door dumbfounded and with her heart beating fast .