Isn't she supposed to be sick ?!

" Well , he's right about that . Don't you agree ?! " said Ramolo while enjoying the terrified faces of the officer and guard .

' I am so glad I am not his enemy . ' thought the guard and the officer at the same time .

Mr Bob wasn't saying anything and Helios hit him in a merciless way with the rope in his hands , for two times in a row . The cell was soundproof and there was no way people could hear but mr Bob's screams from the immense pain he was feeling were so loud that it surpassed the soundproof of the room .

" I.....I.....I'll talk.....Karen promised to help me take your empire . She gave me some of her company shares before hand to make me believe her words . I sent my people to spy on her so that I could have something in my hand against her in case she suddenly decides to play dirty . She didn't look like someone who could be trusted so..... " said mr Bob with his voice trembling .