Sexual Orientation test

Helios and Aria walked for a bit more until they saw a man wearing a white robe . Aria looked at Helios a bit confused .

" Y...Y....Y....Y....." said the royal physician a bit shocked when he saw Helios .

" Cough , cough ! " coughed Helios and the royal physician realized that he couldn't call Helios by his title .

" Helios ?! " said the royal physician with a calm and respectful tone .

" How gave you been Peter ?! " asked Helios with a smile .

The royal physician was surprised to hear Helios speak with such a calm tone cause usually Helios was always like a walking bomb in his eyes . 

" I....Well , I have been doing well . What about you mr Helios ?! How have you been ?! I hope there's nothing wrong . " said Peter , the royal physician .

" No , Peter ! " said Helios and looked at Aria .

" Peter this is my assistant . " said Helios .

" Hello, sir ! My name is Aria . " said Aria and shook her hand with his .