
" Anyway....He asked me for 89 million because his statue was broken...although the broken part was a small piece , even unnoticeable . I told him that I don't have all that money . While discussing some papers fell from his hands on the ground and I took a look at it . It was a law issue with the Castejo company . I offered my help in compensation for the damage I had caused to the statue . He told me that I had to pay him another ten million if I couldn't do it and that makes a total of 99 million . Can you believe it professor ?! " said Aria and professor Benjamin looked at her with a serious expression while drinking tea .

The queen was listening to the story with quite an interested look in her eyes while sitting on the couch and looking at both of them .

" I told him that if I won he would have to pay me ten million as psychological compensation . " said Aria .

" Psychological compensation ?! " said professor Benjamin confused .