You , not being interested in her is just a lie ?!

Aria looked at Aden with a sweet smile then held her his hand .

" Let's go Aden ! We need to go home . Sis will buy you delicious pasta . " said Aria and Aden smiled at her .

" Dadada ! " said Aden .

Aria and Aden started to walk towards the entrance door . Helios looked at them .

" Ramolo will take you home . " said Helios .

" No need ! We can go on our own . We have troubled you long enough president . " said Aria with a polite tone .

Florence looked at her determined expression then smiled a bit .

" Aria , do you know how to drive ?! " asked Florence .

" Yeah ! Why ?! " said Aria confused .

Florence took his car keys out of his pocket then gave them to Aria . Aria looked at the Lamborghini logo with a shocked expression .

" You can go home with that . When I finish my work with Her Majesty , I will ask you to pick me up . Can you pick me up later ?! " said Florence with a smile .