Smart kid

Aria enjoyed the cake and so did Aden . The two of them had their stomachs full and a big smile on their face . Helios laughed a little when he saw the cream at the right corner of her lips .

' She is just like a child . ' thought Helios with a big smile when he saw that Aden had some cream on both of his mouth corners .

He took a napkin and wiped the cream from Aria's mouth . Aria remained surprised when she saw his hand towards her mouth .

" You had some cream here ! " said Helios .

" Ohh....ummm...Thanks ! You could have told me , I would have cleaned it myself . " said Aria a bit surprised .

" You two look like you have finished eating ! Let's get going now , we have to choose the gift for Aden . " said Helios .

" Okay !..... " said Aria and cleaned Aden's cheeks then the three of them went inside the car .