Your daughter can't leave !

After seeing the two of them hug , Helios felt annoyed and went back to the living room without wasting any time . When Helios came , his bad mood could be read immediately by Aria's parents .

" What's with him ?! " whispered Karl .

" I have no idea ! " whispered Kate back with a confused expression .

Soon , Aria and Florence came inside and Aden went towards Aria .

" My sweetie ! " said Aria as she patted his head .

" Aria , did you two finish talking ?! " said her mother with a smile .

" Yes ! " said Aria and looked at Florence who smiled at her in a warm way .

" ....I see ! " said madam Kejt with a light smile .

" I have something to do and need to leave now . Goodbye mr and ms Sarehan ! " said Florence with a polite smile .

" Goodbye ! Sorry if we ruined the surprise . Aria didn't know that we were coming too . " said Kejt .