Grumpy old man

When they went out of the salon , Aria looked at the stairs then looked at Helios .

" You have a lot of stairs . " said Aria .

" I also have an elevator since you are tired . " said Helios .

Aria saw him in a shocked way as he pointed ta the elevator .

" have an elevator , you have a cinema , you have a basketball yard , you have a pool , you have a giant garden , I am sure you must have an exclusive chef too.....the more I look at your home the more I feel like I am in wonderland . " said Aria with a smile .

" He he he he ! It's just a normal home . " said Helios as Aria stared at him raising her eyebrow . 

" You are the only one who thinks like that . " said Aria with a smirk then went towards the stairs . 

" Aren't you going to take the elevator ? " asked Helios confused .