This is your last kiss with me

"Kyuri, can you tell me your name?" The middle-aged doctor asks me slowly. My family is watching me while holding their breaths.

"Kwon Kyuri," I reply calmly. It seems like I have been here for a long time. Surprisingly, I am still alive. Did the timekeeper not find me?

My family and the doctor exhale at the same time. The doctor smiles at me and says, "How old are you?"

A little more than a thousand years. "21."

"Do you remember what you were doing before you passed out?"

"I was standing in front of my dorm."

The doctor looks relieved. My parents wipe their tears. My brother is silently crying at the door, hiding his face from me. I look at my arms. I am no longer pale and grayish like the dead. The time crystal is still inside me. My heart is beating.

In the last thousand years, how many times have I checked? It's a habit now.