We are really neighbors

She looks like a young boy in male clothes. She has clear skin and an aloof look in her eyes. Holding a sword in her right hand, she moves completely with ease as if she has done this countless times. Rather than bending herself for the role, she is bending the role for herself. Somewhat, the director is satisfied with this outcome. This suits her more.

Kang Si An has been watching her perform from the sidelines. It seems like he has seen her somewhere. He wreaks his brain, but he can't recall. He finds her so familiar. She turns her head to look at him right then. She smiles at him unconsciously.

The alley girl!

He gapes at her like an idiot. That girl is from that alley. She's an actress?

Kang Si An rubs the space between his brows. This is complicated. She seems quite normal. Did he misunderstand that day? She's not a fan then. But, they were certainly kissing. It's his fault for drinking too much.

Argh! Why her? There are so many people in the world. Why is it her?