Don't ask me to prove that

Kang Si An looks around the house full of things that she collected over more than a thousand years. From his every previous lifetime except for Li Jun's, she has taken something from him. She did take Li Jun's ashes, but they were lost in the sea.

He had felt wronged when she left him in each lifetime. He understood that the timekeeper was the reason. Still, a part of him felt wronged by her. If she stayed, would it be that bad? At most, the timekeeper would get him killed. He would have been reborn again. He could be with her again.

It must have been painful for her to watch him die. She kept a watch on him like a guardian angel. Whenever he was in trouble, she helped him from the shadows. She never made her presence known before the day of his death.

To Young Hwa, the house looks more like a museum. He didn't know that she was a collector.