Did my ladies miss me?

"Mommy, when will daddy come?" Little Hae asks her mother in her room.

Kyuri doesn't know who Little Hae wants to see. "Always playing with only daddy... what about me? Little Hae doesn't love me more than she loves her daddy."

"Mommy, Little Hae loves you." Little Hae is trying to make complete a puzzle picture. A piece doesn't seem to fit no matter how much she tries. "Little Hae loves Daddy more."

'Who do you love more?' Kyuri wants to ask Little Hae. She also knows that she won't be happy to hear either name. She mumbles, "Little Hae, I am sorry."

Little Hae doesn't hear her. She is occupied with the puzzle. Annoyed, she puts away the puzzle piece that couldn't fit and looks for the other one that could fit.

Young Hwa opens the door and walks in. He grins at them. "Did my ladies miss me?"

Little Hae jumps on her feet. "Daddy is here."