You should get married before I do

For the first time, both parents are playing with her. Little Hae is happy. She even forgets about calling Jae Hyun. Kyuri's parents also notice this. They nod to each other. Things are finally progressing between Si An and Kyuri.

Kyuri's father grunts. "The youngsters were just being stubborn."

"Aigoo!" Kyuri's mother makes a face. "This is what they say... courting."

"If that's courting, then I might as well grow a second head." Kyuri's father walks back to the living room. "These idiots do not know the meaning of romance."

"Where do you think that she got it from?" Kyuri's mother scowls at him. "Do you have a romantic gene in you? I am surprised how Ki Hoon managed to get married."

"They got the looks." Kyuri's father smirks at her. "Didn't you fall for me because of my looks?"

"My first and last mistake." Kyuri's mother walks ahead of him. "I only saw the appearance and forgot to check the heart."