Shared Room 2

The man sluggishly walked outside the KTV room. He manages himself to reach his destination and tried to calm his burning sensation by taking a cold shower. After some time he exited the bathroom only wearing the towel on his waist. With another towel, he dried his hair and buried himself at the bed.

He tossed left and right for no one knows how long until he enters his dreamland.


After Usa left, Ella who is dancing with Lian Tan was a bit tired. No one knows how long they have danced. She moved closer to Lian and brought her lips near Lians' left ear.

"I excused my self first. My ankles are a bit tired," she shouted because of the loud music. And she leaves the dance floor. As she was seated she scanned her surrounding to find where Christan was but the man cannot be seen.

"Maybe he went home, sigh" she mumbled. She grabbed some of the drinks and drunk in one go.

On the far end of the room, the man came out from the restroom. He seated and searched Ella. "sigh, lucky me, she was still here sitting and drinking..." he said while at the instant, like a strike by lightning his eyes widen 'what in the world. I just take 2 minutes to pee and this lady here is drinking... (as he counted how many glasses of wine were emptied) 30 glasses??' his eyes widen while his jaw dropped. Horror could be seen in Assistant Tang Xi as he looked on Ella. 'She drank that much... no wonder the boss instructed me to do so but what is her connection to the boss aside from his classmate?' Questions formulated in his brain.

While Ella drunk a few glasses of wine, she really not cared. All she knew is not seeing the man after she had her fun, frustrate her and change her mood. Looking at the emptied glasses she then decided to call it a day. She stands up, gets her bag and went to Lian to bid her goodbye. She managed to get her room key card to the lobby receptionist. And hop to the elevator. When suddenly someone grabs the elevator door intend to hitch. Ella glance at Assistant Tang Xi with a weird look. It was an awkward situation to Assistant Tang to follow her in the elevator but what else could he do when he lost his sight to this 'drunken master girl' he can't imagine the boss anger if that happens.

They reached the 10th-floor level with a ding sound of the elevator and opening of the door. Ella who was drunk lost her senses and she never paid attention in her surroundings. She walks in her drunken state. She never notices that assistant Tang is following her 5 feet away. Not so far not so near either.

She dragged her body in the hallway and in a few doors she glanced at her card room number. She read "9". "Why is it I ended up in the farthest room, hmm," she said loudly.

Assistant Tang heard her words clearly and he never thought much on what she had said. She stops walking and scanned her card to the sensor in many times attempt. Assistant Tang even laughed at her actions. She is too cute, he commented. When he heard her gasp in a loud voice. And he heard her again "oh, that is why I cannot open it because it is already open. What kind of staff they have, leaving the door open after cleaning, tsk tsk." He was flabbergasted when he side peak on the room. "Room number 9"

'Is this the room where my boss just check in?'