"A super-intelligence is only limited by its ambition. If you could do anything, what would you do?"
Megacles has a pretty good life. Also, she is horny, lonely, bored, anxious, and a bit of a drunk. She decides to fix all this with science. It works okay, until she accidentally builds a doomsday device. At least she’s not bored anymore.
Mr. President has inherited a broke, corrupt, government. Unemployment is high, nobody pays taxes, the healthcare system is collapsing, and the government is using systemic blackmail to cover it up. He has a plan to fix it all, he just needs to steal a trillion dollars to get started.
Super Science and Fast Romance is a near future, science fiction, romantic comedy, political psychodrama. It's fun. It teaches how to fix everyday problems with lasers, evil robots, and mass hallucinations. These solutions work really well. Only a couple people die.
Any money made by this book will be spent on drugs and super hot lasers.
Holy crap this is a good book. Like it sucks you in and makes you want to read and find out more and more. It is extremely well written and edited. I think I’ve only seen one grammatical mistake the entire book. Which makes this the unicorn of WN. Most average readers might be confused and have to look up words in a dictionary, but intellectual readers will absolutely flip for it. I CANT WAIT FOR MORE! (Dear author, where did you go?!)
The story is fast and furious. You are already off on the adventure within the first few chapters. The main character is avant garde, she is not your typical main character by any means. I'm not that far in so I can't say much about the story or where it is going yet, but the writing is good and it is interesting. Everything about this is unique and anyone who wants to try something completely new should check it out.
I tried the first few chapters and i had fun spending my time. The writing quality is so good, made my reading so smooth. What i like the best is how balance the smut, science and that hot romance. Very well, you're in to my library!
I thought it was quite interesting. Volume 4 is where I first read it, and I found the story to be unique. I liked the idea of the world. I found the MC intriguing and the whole dystopian utopian blend of culture and propaganda very interesting. Anyway keep up to good work author.
Hmmm...well the story is very much sexual...i would say it would be loved by someone who enjoys erotica...i still would say characterisation is well done...script is clear and crisp...only recommended for ***** audience..... ♡♡♡