We are friends, aren’t we?

Standing on lush green grass that is pulsating with magic, Jin is awestruck by what he's seeing around them. He inhales the wild minty scent mingled with the fragments of flowers in the air. Tall trees are shooting up. Long and thick branches with bold evergreen green foliages are spreading out under the ceiling. Snakelike vines wreathe around the trunks. As if caressed by the first rays of sunlight, colourful wildflowers unfold with fervour. 

Splendid. He gasps. Throbbing with life and vivacity, this is earth magic. 

Cold sweat trickles down on her forehead. Huang Qiuyan presses her hand on her chest, unable to open her eyes. The aberrant bundle of energy shatters into pieces, dissolving into the enchanted magic insider her. An intense whirlpool of energy rises from the fusion, ready to burst apart.