Jin deserves normal

Klyn sprints straight toward her office.

No, he didn't want to come here straight away. He was looking for Sung Seung Won. For some strange reasons, he can't find him anywhere. Then, he heard about the trouble in front of the council's building. So, he came here straight away. 

And he slams against something hard. Klyn staggers backwards. He raises his head while covering his nose that hurts beyond words. 

"You can't go." Nami's brother smiles at him. "She is avoiding you."

The sound of crashing comes from the office. Then, another awkward crash follows. Klyn blinks his eyes. He already knows that Sung Nami is avoiding him. She hasn't visited home since he started camping in front of the Sung mansion. "Are you Sung Seung Won?"

"No." Sung Seung Jin points at the exit. "Leave."

"Where is Sung Seung Won?" Klyn doesn't move from the spot. "I have something to talk about…"