
Chapter 7 – Bug?

Misha was led inside the building to a room with rows of counters. The female staff pointed at the first row, which had a cardboard box on it.

"Since you are the only air-force recruit in this session, I will guide you personally. Go open up the box and put all your belongings in the plastic bags. Go!"

No quest appeared this time. Misha guessed that this task was too trivial to include as tutorial quests.

For hours, She received non-quest orders from the female drill sergeant. They were all trivial orders, such as "enter this room," "collect all items from the staffs," "get checked by a dentist," "change your cloth into the prepared uniform," "tie your hair this way," and etc.

Though it was tedious and mundane, she felt nostalgia with this environment and the people.


In Mia's world, all youth at the age of 11 to 12 had an option to attend basic reserve military training in space to acquire extra credits for their middle-school grades.

The practice of child soldiers was illegal in the past millennia. However, the nature of the current Milky Way Galaxy was unforgiving, and the number of human on earth was limited. Thus, the Milky Way Government allowed the practice of child soldiers ever since the 25th century, the late of the recovering period after the first apocalypse.

Unfortunately, not all children attended traditional military training classes in the 46th century. Only those who sought scholarships or commoners participated in it to graduate from a middle-school with high marks.

Mia had been forced to attend the military training classes on one of the spaceships for years by his parents as they also had to work on that very spacecraft for the government. Afterward, Mia was sent back to earth with the android main, Dana, after he managed to enroll into Chula High.


"Strange. It's different from what I've been through. The drill sergeant should have yelled at me non-stop during these tasks. But they just gave me a few orders and left me be. Does the game make it easier for the civilians?"

The game was designed to be as realistic as much as possible. The drill sergeant NPC would have roared at Misha hundreds of times for hours hadn't she had the special title.

At 0.40 AM, the female drill sergeant guided Mia back to the resident barrack.

"Go take a bath within 10 minutes!"

By reflex, Misha stripped her clothes in a flash. Then, she realized she was in a female body at this moment.

'Eep! M-My body …'

"What are you doing!? Are you going to masturbate from seeing your rotten fishy pussy? Go take a shower!"

Misha flinched by the drill sergeant's voice. She forgot that the drill sergeant was still looking at her.

Even though her face reddened to her ears, she took a shower with trembling hands as she secretly massaged the body parts.


At the end of the day, Misha lay down on a bed inside a hall with 50 empty beds with a trail of smoke coming out of her flushed face.

It was fortunate that she was conscious of the drill sergeant. Or else, she would have played with the body in the bathroom.

"Light's out!"

The drill sergeant flipped the switch and shut the light in the entire hall.

Misha looked at the system clock. It showed 1 AM.



"Oh? Can I sleep in the game?"

She pressed <>. However, she did not feel anything or fell asleep. It was as if the time froze when Misha pressed the button.

The light in the barrack switched on.

"Get up! It's 4 AM already. I want you on the field in five minutes!"

Misha sat up and stared at the system clock with (O_O) face.

It was indeed 4 AM on the system clock and the clock on the wall.

"The game skip the sleeping time!?"



For seven days in the game, Misha did nothing but being bossed around inside the military camp. There were trivial daily quests of body exercises, but it boosted her EXP and status EXP.

The game capsule opened as Mia logged out from the game. It was a forced log out that preventing Mia from skipping school to play the game. Even if he were to log in again, he would not be able to get into the game until 3 PM.

Mia sat up, soaking in sweat. The black bags under his eyes revealed that he did not have a good sleep at all.

The android maid, Dana, walked into the room with a cold jar of water.

"Good morning, young master Mia. Do you want me to heal your fatigue, or do you want to heal it yourself?"

"Meh, I'll do it myself."

"How was the game, young master?"

"It sucks, meh. I haven't killed a single monster or riding robots. It's just a long week of military boot camp."

"But you are smiling."

Mia touched his face. He was indeed smiling.

"Maybe it's because of the nostalgia. Well, the workout is fun."

"Please be careful not to increase your physical strength too much. No ordinary human should be able to squeeze an apple to small bits with brute strength like you. If you increase your physical strength on top of it, you will be seen as a monster."

"There are plenty of guys like that in the commoner areas though. Everyone on my previous spaceship can do it!"

"Most labor-class men and professional soldiers had their body genetic-engineered, but your strength is natural. That's my concern."


Mia arrived at school and sat on his previous spot.

Upon looking around, he could see the other classmates sat in a big group, discussing their experiences in the game.

"Ancient gunsmiths are weird. They still rely on those flammable gunpowders."

"You picked a gunsmith as your career?"

"Yeah, I thought I could at least make antimatter gun to shock the NPCs, but they are that backward."

"Hah, you can't bring our techs to the game. We have to raise their country tech-tree level first. By the way, I joined the military boot camp in Philippine. I think it's cooler being psychic soldiers in those times."

"Didn't that place submerged under the sea like our country?"

"Fool, in the 2300s, they are still around."

Mia eavesdropped the conversation. He wanted to join them, but he did not dare to approach his own classmates.

While Mia was hesitating, the homeroom teacher, Prof. Luckyaf entered the room and knocked on the table to get the attention of his students.

"Attention students. I have to inform all of you regarding the game that I told you to play. There's a dangerous bug that I have to warn all of you."

The room quieted. All eyes were on the professor when they heard the word "Bug."