Being Prepared

Chapter 15 – Being Prepared

4.30 AM.

A desert-camouflaged truck brought Misha, Dawson, and ten other Psychic Division players outside of the city wall.

Upon traveling for 10 kilometers north, the truck stopped.

Petty Officer Krastel, who guided them in the bus when they had started the game, came to welcome the players at the back of the truck.

"We meet again, trainees! Unfortunately, this is not a welcome party. You've got work to do. We have prepared your basic supplies, weapons, ammo, and other necessary tools you will need in the one-day hunt in the outpost camp. We won't tell you which one you should pick, but you have to decide it for yourself. You can also bring as many things you can take, but we'll take all of them back, including your loots by the end of the day."

Krastel took out wristwatches, which he passed one to each of the players.

"This is a compass watch and a communication tool. There's a tracking device in it so we can see where you are. Do not lose it, or we will not be able to find you in this wilderness! Equip the watch and get your supplies. Once you're done, you can start your mini-adventuring. Good luck!"

Krastel ended the briefing and walked away as if he had something more important to do.

Misha straddled toward the outpost in excitement. Before her, a direction sign pointed at the largest building within the outpost camp.

'That way? Well, this game seems nice. At least, I don't have to ask for a direction.'

Misha got into the building, which she was stopped by a guard.

"Stop, what's your business here?"

Misha tilted her head in confusion. Then, she remembered the procedure of the standard military.

'Not everyone can enter the armory.'

As the new recruit, her military rank was at the lowest. Misha saluted to the guard, "Sir, Trainee Misha requests permission to borrow supplies from Armory for the last day boot camp training as ordered, sir!"

The guard raised his eyebrows in surprise. He had noticed Misha's wristwatch and had already been informed about the coming of the new recruits. However, they had not taught everyone about the reporting procedure and the reporting scripts, which he had the duty to teach them a few basics before he could let them go with their weapons.

Yet, this girl knew about it.

Since he could not prank or have anything else to teach Misha, the guard nodded.

"At ease, trainee. Proceed to the counter number seven and show them your wristwatch."

"Aye, sir!"

Misha walked out of the counter with three-days of rations, a water canteen, a foldable military shovel, a tent, a lighter, ten magazines of rifle bullets, a rifle, a handgun, handgun bullets, a binocular, three grenades, a knife, a map, and first-aid pack briefcase.

All of them were shoved into a giant green sack as if she wanted to go camping for a couple of days.

She also took accessories, such as a goggle, a half-mask respirator. After which, she changed into the desert camo clothes.

The staffs inside did not comment on how Misha prepared for the hunt. Some of them simply grinned and nodded in approval.

Dawson and the others also arrived later after being yelled by the guard. Because they did not know the report procedure of the military, the guard spent half an hour teaching them.

Unlike Misha, everyone emphasized on weapons and bullets instead of food supplies and tools. They still saw this test as a game and forgot that they could get hungry in this world.

Misha glanced at everyone with a concern. Out of sympathy, she walked to one of them.

"You should pack first-aid, some camping tools, and a few days of food with you."

The guy turned around and sneered, "Why should I pack many days of food and useless tools anyway? We'll only be here for only a day. Isn't it better to grab as many arms as possible so we can kill more zombies and monsters out there?"

Another guy also mocked Misha, "Leave her alone. Women's mind is different from us, men. They only care about camping and picnic, but we will grind our levels to the point that our status surpasses everyone. Heck, she even picks the Air-Force! She won't be able to use psychic powers as we can!"

"Right, Hahahaha!"

Misha signed while the staffs glanced at the laughing trainees with a sneer.

As Misha was about to walk out of the building with supplies, a female staff whispered to her.

"They will learn about it the hard way. Don't help them, trainee."

"… Aye, ma'am."

Misha got out of the camp. The wasteland and desert dust were before her.

Wearing a goggle and a half-mask respirator to protect her eyes and filtering the air, she hung the rifle in front of her and began traveling forward. Her destination lay on the northwest area where there were not as many [Danger] marks on the map.

In her map, red [X] marked everywhere, indicating that dangerous mutants or zombie hordes were spotted in the areas.

On her northwest, there was an X mark located on the place that listed with a note [Zombie Horde]. The geography looked suspicious to Misha as it looked like a crater, but she headed there to investigate anyway.

'If it's something strong, I'll retreat.'

After three hours of walking, she reached the destination.

In front of Misha, a crater with 500 meters in diameter was there. Deep at the center of the crater, a zombie horde of over 2,000 zombies gathered around a green rock, which had a size of 10 diameters.

Misha took out her binoculars to check the green rock.

It looked like a meat egg with green veins, which it pulsed once a second. Strangely, the zombies attempted to bite and scratch it like it was some kind of precious food to them.

Zombies managed to bite and tear the surface of the green egg, but it regenerated back in a second.

The circle of zombies eating the green egg surface and the egg regenerating itself back formed a natural ecology in this wasteland.

Observing for a while, Misha had an idea. She looked around her to see if there was anything that could pose a threat to her.

Seeing that there was nothing else in the area, she rejoiced.

She put a silencer on her rifle and aimed it at the most rear zombie.

Misha fired one round.


The bullet went through the back of its head, and it fell on the ground.


Misha pulled back her rifle and checked the reaction of zombies in the crater.

None of them paid attention to their dead friend.

"A great farm!"

Misha was smiling from ear to ear, but her eyes revealed murderous intent.