Surrender, Or I'll Fail All Your Grades at School!

Chapter 41 – Surrender, Or I'll Fail All Your Grades at School!

The siren alarm from the base could be heard from the inside of the warehouse.

Misha heard the alarm, and she also dashed toward the exit of the warehouse as she was afraid that this base contained one of the Self-Destruct-When-Shit-Happens features.

'Don't blow up. Don't blow up.'

Misha prayed as she kept her distance from the battle-royale-wrestling-match between giant eggs, which had woken up and attacked each other in hunger. As a gentle human being with a kind heart, which she had thought of herself to be, Misha refused to take part in the fight of savages.

Tama shivered when it read the inner thought of Misha. It recalled the past when Misha scoured for the yellow gels or her sadistic smiling face when she killed a green egg in the queen's cocoon.

*Mew …* (I don't think you're a kind and gentle human.)

Green digestive fluid scattered around as they attacked the others by biting, spitting, tentacle lashing, tentacle pulling, and puking more fluid.

As they fought, more ice cubes were melted, bringing in more mutants and monsters into the fight.

Misha managed to sneak to the exit. However, upon peeking outside, she did not dare to step out.

Over a hundred soldiers aimed their rifle at the entrance direction. Behind their back, Tanks, APCs, and three-meter mech units with cannons as arms stared at the exit door with all sparkling muzzles.

Black lines appeared on Misha's face as she thought that this gathering was an overkill.


A bullet hit the edge of the entrance door, one centimeter above the head of Misha who was peeking, causing a small dent.

[Trainee Misha of Mafdet Federation, surrender and walk out with your hands behind your head! We know that you're hiding behind that door!]

A familiar looking officer in an exoskeleton battle gears was shouting using a handheld loudspeaker, which his voice cracked and echoed throughout the underground floor.

Misha gulped. These people even knew her name and her identity. It seemed that the local NPCs were more capable than she had estimated.

[We are giving you three seconds to surrender. Once we count to three, we will freeze the entire warehouse, including you! If you don't want to fail your quest, surrender!]

'Huh? Fail my quest? Wait a minute. Does an NPC usually talk like this?'

[This is Petty Officer Crimson Krastel from the Milky Way Government, and I'm one of the education administrators! Trainee Misha, or should I say, Cadet Officer Mia, get out of your hiding spot and surrender! I will only count to three, or I'll fail your quest and your grades at school!]

'Eh? That's a familiar name. Hold on, let me think. This is a déjà vu feeling. Who is this guy again?'


'Oh, isn't this guy the officer I saw in the beginning? I thought he was an NPC.'

[Two! Step out now or F to all subjects!]

"Crap! Okay! Okay! I surrender, don't shoot! Don't fail my grades, please!"

Misha walked out with her hands above her head. She had thrown away her rifle and her last grenade to prevent a misunderstanding shot.

As soon as her feet got out of the warehouse, Krastel snapped his fingers.

[Three! Time's over!]

The entire warehouse transformed into a giant red ice block, sealing everything inside once more.

Krastel's eyes glowed in red light as he activated his psychic power to seal the entire warehouse. A few local soldiers whistled, impressed by the display of power.

Misha's right boot got stuck within the ice, but she managed to pull her foot out of it by sacrificing the rubber boot.

'This guy really intent on sealing me inside!'

Misha also noticed the phenomenal and the scale of the red ice. Referencing to her knowledge from the Putinof Colony, this was a high-caliber psychic ability that only those with the colonel rank or higher had. Yet, Krastel, who came here as a petty officer, could use it with a snap of fingers.

In addition, psychic powers in the 23rd-century should not have developed this far yet. Something was very wrong with this game.

Several drops of cold sweat dripped down from her pale face, though her mouth was smiling wryly.

Five soldiers walked to Misha while their gun muzzles pointed at her head. She was forced to take off her coat and abandon her loots before they handcuffed her.

They escorted Misha to the lower floor where cells of death roll prisoners located. The local military used these inmates as participants in all dangerous tests, such as a test of vaccines or a test with infected zombies.

Instead of putting her behind bars, the soldiers took her into a warden office. In there, two leather sofas and a coffee table were arranged in the middle of the room. A bar counter and a shelf of beverage were on the side, along with many bottles of various unknown brands of liquor. On the opposite side of the bar, a TV monitor was placed inside the white marble wall.

On the seat of the warden, behind the brown desk with nothing on it, a bald man with the muscles of a professional bodybuilder sat still, gazing at Misha. His elbows were on the table while his hands were holding together in front of his mouth as he leaned forward.

If anyone stared at his face when he sat in the dark, they would be intimidated on the spot. However, the light in the room was so bright that Misha could see the fake eyelashes, red mascara on his eyelids, the makeup on his cheek, and his red lips which were painted by lipsticks.

His uniform was also not the cloth a male warden should be wearing. It was actually a red Chinese Qipao, which revealed more of his toned muscular body bulging with blood veins. His statue was also monstrous, as Misha could estimate that he would be at least 7-feet tall if he were to stand up.

She recognized this person right away.

"M-Miss Tiffany!?"

He was one of Misha's acquaintance in the real world. He was also the person that she introduced to Big Crotch as a blind date partner.

"Sup, Mia, little honey. Quite an adventure you're having."