WTF happened!?

Chapter 43 – WTF happened!?

When Misha received the encrypted memo, she did not read it or activated it right away. Since it was encrypted, it was better to read it later when she was alone.

Now that she opened the message, it confirmed that it was the right decision.

The sudden white light blinded Misha for a whole minute. After she managed to adjust her eyes to the environment, she looked around.

It was an empty space when Misha first created her character.


In front of her, a hologram of a silver hair mature woman stood there. She wore a white one-piece dress that revealed her cleavage and the sides of her long legs, but her bare shoulder was covered by a white coat with the shoulder emblems of fleet admiral on her shoulder. Her hands, which had white long sleeve gloves on, were holding a grey cane, made of human bones in silver color.

Her sharp red eyes and her face was so gorgeous that could make all idols and celebrities hide in shame. Some envious women could even make an excuse that she had plastic surgery or had her gene modified to get that look.

However, Misha knew that this person's beauty was natural. It was her grandmother that she remembered.

"She never ages, isn't she?"

Even Misha sometimes compared her grandmother with other girls he met. Because he had been around her grandmother for years when she was a child, Misha always compared her beauty with all girls that Misha came across. As a result, Mia, in the real world, could never find the right girlfriend because his standard was too high.

While Misha was admiring the beauty of her ancestor, the hologram spoke.

"Mia, you've possessed something that the military desire. Do not sign any contract or you'll be their guinea pig for the project that we're doing. I didn't send you back to earth, so you can become a slave for the military. Abandon your current game character and commit suicide in-game right now!"


"Commit suicide and fail the quest, so you can create a new character before you log out. That's my advice as your grandmother. If you insist on playing with that Misha character, your entire life will be very complicated when you successfully log out of the game."

"Grandma, what happened with this game? What do you mean by complicated?"

Although Misha asked the hologram, her grandmother did not respond to her question. Obviously, it was a recorded message.

"Do not be afraid of starting over. Actually, you will progress faster than your false avatar. Here is the secret info that the military is hiding from everyone. If you configure your in-game character outlook and your name to be the same as your real life, you can import the psychic abilities that you've learned in real-life into the character starting skills. By now, you should have seen the agents from the military inside the game. All of them are using their real face and real name in there, and they are exploiting this feature, including Tiffany. Well, they can't import their military ranks in there, and they have to grind it from scratch like normal players."

Listening to her grandmother up to this part, Misha recalled the scene where Krastel displayed the power of a colonel inside the game. A portion of puzzle pieces began to click.

The hologram message continued, "Well, unless you want to live a complicated life, I won't stop you. Actually, I also have another option for you."

Her sadistic grin was still as scary as ever. Misha had goosebumps from seeing her grandmother's crescent smiling face and her glowing red eyes.

"Another option for you if you want to keep that body. When you complete the chain quests, you will be prompt with a list of skills that you can learn as a reward. There's a special skill that can get you out of this mess, but a certain aspect of your real life will be a lot more complicated than the first option. In exchange for that, I will have a legit reason to intervene with the government's affair ..."



11 Hours later after Misha opened the memo.

It was a 6 AM of a new day, which had been a whole day since Misha had been locked inside the underground base.

Inside the warden office where Tiffany was assigned.

Ten MWG staffs gathered in the warden office as they confronted Tiffany. From the log conversation between Misha and Tiffany that they were listening, they found that Tiffany was not forceful enough.

Joan was in front of the entourage, yelling at Tiffany.

"Why did you give him times to decide? You could have forced him into making a decision right away! And why did you point out about the undisclosed terms about the contract duration? It was supposed to be a secret term to bind him with us!"

"My dear Joan, if you want to make him join you willingly, you must not trick him. In businesses, honesty and trust are the keys for smooth cooperation. If you hide this term and he finds out about it later, you can expect backlashes from him and his grandmother. Will you risk your career facing that Silver Empress?"

Joan snorted, "I don't give a damn about that ancient old hag! As long as we get that tamed parasite, we don't care who we have to offend."

"A newborn calf doesn't afraid of the veteran tigress. Well, I've warned you."

"A tigress? Hah, I want to see her try. Now, get that stupid brat out here, so we can force him to sign the contract."

"That's impossible."

"Are you defying the direct order of my father?"

"Even if your father is the Supreme Commander, I can't help you in this case, my dear. He's not in the isolated chamber anymore."


"Check your tracking devices. His character disappeared from the game, yet his ID is still in the game. You should also double-check with the administrators in the real world, too."

Joan's face turned pale when she opened her game system window and selected the administration menu.

The list of all players and their location presented in the screen, yet Misha's name disappeared.

"What did you do, Vice Admiral!?"

Tiffany shrugged, "Nothing. I only pass him a memo message from the tigress, and he's gone."

"This is serious! If you don't answer my question, I'll put you on the court-martial."

"Go ahead. I'm stating the truth. As I said before. You'd better check with the administrators of the game for the backlogs."

Joan glared into the eyes of Tiffany while her mouth still issued her command to her followers.

"Check the admins."

30 Minutes later. A subordinate, who had logged out of the game, got back into the game. He bit his lower lips and reported with a pale face.

"Ma'am, we have several bad news."


"Player Misha's character teleported outside of the base. Our last report from the admins shows that she activated an encrypted memo from the silver empress. After that, she just simply teleported away from our prison."

"What about her game console!? It should have sent a feedback tracking IP and the tracking data. Trace her current location and bring her back!"

"T-That's impossible, ma'am."


"Player Misha logged out of the game and shut down the console. She has completed the three-part quest."

Sweat drops appeared on the face of Joan, "H-Have we sent anyone to the player's resident?"

"We had, ma'am. But the silver empress and her soldiers arrested all of our men."


"She has returned to earth, ma'am."

Joan turned around to glare at Tiffany once more.

Tiffany laughed, "I've never said that I've returned to earth alone. Hohoho!"

"You ... your entire fleet returned to earth!?"

Tiffany grinned, "Don't underestimate a doting grandmother, young calf. You can't touch Mia."