I Call Hax

Chapter 66 – I Call Hax

Misha jumped in excitement. Comparing all races, it was a no-brainer to pick the Dragonewt as the perks were the best among the three races.

As Misha was about to pick the choice number three, a déjà vu feeling crept upon her.


By reflex, her right hand grabbed the mysterious tentacle which thrust forward at lightning speed from behind her back.

The tentacle almost touched the system menu and the choice [Demi-Human].

"Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you! This trick won't work against me the second time, Tama."

It was Tama's tentacle, which almost touched the game system window and the choice number one.

*Mew* (I don't know what you are talking about.)

*Mrrr Mew?* (I was just stretching after waking up. Can you release me?)

"I'm sorry, Tama. I the sudden urge to feel your tentacle. I'm curious, you know? I want to know how soft all of your limbs are …"

While Misha was talking, her free left hand thrust her finger, aiming at the choice number three.


Three tentacles suddenly extended from her back and coiled around her left arm, stopping her from touching the game menu.

Misha's left arm trembled as she wrestled Tama to touch the choice.

"I'm stretching, Tama. Can you let go of my arm?"

*Mew Mew!* (I'm sorry, Misha. Your arm is so smooth that I have the urge to feel your skin.)



Though their words had nothing to do with the race selection, both Misha and Tama understood another's intention well.

For the sake of their well-being and their future, everything was on the line in this selection.

*PA* *PA* *PA*

*PA* *PA* *PA*

*PA* *PA* *PA*

Both Tama and Misha stopped talking, yet sounds of slapping and swatting resounded within Thorn's hangar.

Tama's six tentacles extended from Misha's back, trying to select the Demi-Human Race. Meanwhile, Misha swatted all limbs away while she attempted to choose the Dragonewt Race.

Misha's face hardened as if she was the main character from the Fist of the North Star.

Tama's tentacle whipped and lashed as if it was throwing punches at a mysterious transparent being in front of them.

On the other hand, Misha's arms, palms, back-fists, fingers, thumbs, chops, and knuckles parried all oncoming tentacles away from the mysterious existence.

While both of them were at it, their upper torso and their lower body of Misha remained unmoved. From the onlooker's perspective, they thought that Misha and Tama were sparring at lightning speed.

The movements of Misha were similar to that of a Kang-Fu master parrying attacks in a firm posture. Meanwhile, Tama's lightning tentacle attacks left after images which astonished all audiences.

For a whole five minutes, Misha and Tama sparred in the same position. During these minutes, engineers, mecha technicians, and soldiers from other hangars gathered and watched how Misha and Tama fought from a distance.

"Isn't it that girl that stole the missile truck?"

"Yes, that's the one. She's a beauty, right?"

"Those movements are refined! She's a master!"

"Her partner isn't half bad either. I don't think my partner can move at that speed."

"Behind her glorious deeds is the hard work, but she never bragged. I'm moved."

"Indeed, all top guys are hard workers. You won't find a lazy bum as a top elite."

"But that Thorn is ..."


Gossips and rumors spread behind Misha and Tama's back. Unfortunately, both of them did not care about that at this moment.

Their future was on the line!

Tama lost patience first. The tentacle eye on Misha's chest closed and extended forward.

As her hands were occupied with the six tentacles, Misha shot out her tongue and coiled it around Tama's tentacle eye, withholding it from hitting the first choice.

*Mew!* (Let go!)

"Uh-ah!" (Nope!)

*Mew Mew!* (If you picked number three, I'd leave your body!)

"Ef ou uic umber un, I oun't if ou el!" (If you pick number one, I won't give you gels!)

*Myaaa!* (You're unreasonable! Child abuser!)

"Ou are er one ayuing ee!" (You're the one abusing me!)

Misha lost her patience as well. She glanced at option number three, aiming at the target.

Then, she spat at it!

*Meoooow!!* (Nooooo!!)

Tama could not react in time!

In a panic, one of Tama's tentacle missed the first choice, but it touched the system screen and slid upward.

Then, a shocking development occurred.

There was one more choice below the list!


Misha's saliva touched the choice number four!


4. [Random]

Are you feeling frisky for a gamble? Well, you'd better pray for RNGesus and the goddess of this game because if your luck is shit, you'll get a shitty race like [Goblin] or [Zombie].

Goooood Luck!


Misha and Tama almost vomited a mouthful of blood. From the description alone, they knew they had done goof.

"Tama, I'm sorry."

*Mew* (I'm sowwy, Misha.)

Both of them cried while they watched a giant roulette wheel spinning clockwise. Misha thought that if the new race were terrible, she would take Tama to the real world and live together in her real body in peace as she would quit the game for good.

*Mew* (I'm sorry. I won't ask for big fishes and jellies again.)

*Mew* (I'm sorry. I won't be selfish again.)

Listening to Tama's prayer, Misha hugged the tentacle eye of Tama.

*Mew* (I'm sorry. I will be a good girl in the future.)

"Oh, cool. Are you a girl? You were cheeky back then, and I thought you were a boy."

*Mew* (I'm sorry. I'll feed Misha on time in the future.)

"Oi. I'm not your pet!"

Soon, the wheelie stopped, and the needle pointed at a small area. There was also a chance percentage behind the description, 5%.




*Mew!* (I CALL HAX!)

"MUAHAHAHAHA! I call it fate, Tama!"

*Mew* *Sniff* (Cheater!)


Both of them did not notice that there was a prefix "Inferno" before the name of the race. Misha was too absorbed about her being lucky while Tama was so mad that she did not bother to read the race description.


[Inferno Dragonewt]

Above the sky, there were stars. Above the Dragonewt, there is the inferno one!

If you are able to read this description, I CALL HAX! This hidden race can only be acquired by eating a fire hydra's core or the roulette wheel.

Inferno Dragonewt is the sub-species of the main branch Dragonewt. Instead of being a general cockroach that can handle all environment, Inferno Dragonewt gains benefit from being in the hot climate.

Although Inferno Dragonewt specializes in the scorching areas, that doesn't mean they are weak when they are in the arctic environment. Inferno Dragonewt is still able to handle the cold climate without experiencing any backlash or difficulty as they inherit the toughness and adaptability characteristic of the main branch Dragonewt.


- Possess the best durability and toughness.

- All special food yield double effects.

- All fire-element food yield triple effects.

- Can adapt to all extreme environment.

- Regenerate stamina and health when the host remains in a hot climate area.

- Parasite partner becomes tougher along with the host's growth.

- Parasite partner regenerates stamina and health when staying in a hot climate area.

- Can communicate with fire-related monsters or creatures.

- Using fire-related skills doesn't consume hunger gauge.

- Increase the level caps of all classes from 100 to 200.

- Increase VIT and STM status caps by 750.

- Increase hunger gauge caps by 300%.

- Increase all regenerative, and healing skill caps by 100.

- Increase all fire-related skill caps by 100.

- Increase ten VIT and STM status caps for each eaten red gel.

- Increase one random status caps for each eaten yellow gels.

- Increase one random skill caps for every ten eaten green gels.

- Gain one bonus attribute point to one random attribute for every eaten fire-element food.

- Increase 100 VIT and STM status caps for each alpha egg killed.

- Increase one random status caps for every 100 killed creatures.

- Gain zero to one attribute point in LUC for every ten increased levels.

- Evolution to a more advanced race is possible.


- Slow growth, but not the slowest.

- Require a large number of gels to raise status caps or skill caps.

- Status caps cannot exceed 2,000 in all attributes, except VIT and STM.

- Skill caps cannot exceed 300.