Bias Treatment

Chapter 105 – Bias Treatment


Thorn got inside the head cockpit and began operating the machine. As Mia activated the psionic core for him, Thorn commanded Prometheus with ease.

Prometheus carried Zeris One back to the base as planned.

As soon as they reached home, over a hundred mech had already been dispatched, surrounding Prometheus from all sides.

Thorn had to get out of the mech to stop them from shooting at Prometheus. He jumped into Zeris One cockpit to message Crystal.

"What's going on, Chief!? Why are they aiming their guns at us!?"

[Sebastian came back. He told everyone that Misha is a confirmed otherworlder since he fought with her a moment ago.]

"They fought!? But why?"

[He said that Misha attacked him first. I reviewed the satellite feed in front of everyone and pointed out that Sebastian attacked Misha first, and she only self-defended. Well, all non-scalesmen are still siding with Sebastian. What can I do?]

"Did you tell them that she has medicine that can revive our partners?"

[Yes, but Sebastian claimed that it's a trap of otherworlders. He also captured Brim and all Tautog crews that returned as dragonewts, saying that they are government's men.]

"This is crazy! Has he gone senile or what!?"

[That what I said to him, but I can't do much. Those bastards of Balam Squad are supporting Sebastian's claim!]

While Thorn was talking to Crystal, Sebastian flew to the air, shouting through his loudspeaker.

"Misha, surrender! We know that you're an otherworlder. Do not resist!"

Hearing Sebastian's voice, Thorn got out of Zeris One and yelled back, "STAND DOWN, IDIOT BUTLER!! MISHA IS A FRIEND!"

"Fool! She's an otherworlder through and thorough! Do you trust those invaders more than your kins?"


"You're an idiot, officer Thorn! We have proofs that she's an otherworlder, and we are arresting her. End of story!"


Sebastian was taken aback by Thorn's yelling. Thinking back, it made sense that Misha was not hostile toward them. Still, it did not change the fact that she was an otherworlder.

'All otherworlders are our enemies!'

Sebastian's prejudice against players was above his reason. He stood firm with his decision.

"All troops, prepare to shoot. Officer Thorn C. Cha has joined forces with the otherworlder!"

Hearing the shocking command, Dolphin piloted his mech and got in between Prometheus and the troops. All Tautog members also joined Dolphin.

"All of you, stop! This is madness, Sebastian! She revived Sam and others. We also listened to Crystal's communication channel. Didn't you hear that she promised to trade the medicines with us? Misha can be trusted!"

Llamador, the captain of Balam Squad, sneered at Dolphin and his friends. He tuned his communication watch to send his voice to Sebastian.

"I also listened to their communication feed. Misha confessed that her friend is also an otherworlder. Please kill them before they can plant a new misconception about them. We don't want another similar incident in the past."

Sebastian harrumphed, "I think so as well. Since they enjoy experimenting on us, we will experiment on them, too! I want to know why they have strong psychic power."

"Haha, a brilliant idea, senior. I'm with you."

Sebastian confirmed his signal, "All units, Tautog Squadron has sided with the otherworlders. They are now branded as traitors as well! Kill them all!"




Mia, who was charging the psionic engines, had closed his eyes and listened to their conversation with his six sense the entire time.

As Mia was exhausted from the constant use of psychic power, he was in a terrible mood. Hearing the nonsense racist treatment from Sebastian again raised his anger bar to the limit.

Inside Mia's mind space, Misha Statue's eyes brightened in red light. Afterward, Maou Mia took over the control of Mia's body.

*Mew* (I can sense the change. Is this the serious banana?)


Mia did not answer since he was gathering his mental strength.

One of the male golden generation prisoners inside Mia's mind cage was pulled outside. His body shattered into pieces, which his soul fragments entered Misha Statue's body, becoming her nutrition.

Maou Mia breathed through his teeth while his eyes glared toward Sebastian's direction.

"I have enough of your shit."

At this moment, all mechs of the mutants pulled the triggers, firing everything at Tautog crews, Zeris One, and Prometheus.

'Force Field!'

An electric current spread from Prometheus, enveloping the Tautog crews and Thorn into a thunder dome. On the other hand, all bullets, shells, and rockets from all robots froze in mid-air.

The thunder barrier disappeared, and all projectiles dropped on the ground. Shells and rockets piled on top of the others without causing an explosion.

Everyone's jaw dropped, shocked by the phenomenon.

Dolphin turned around to look at Prometheus with complicated emotion.

"She may be an otherworlder, but she saved us!"

"Sebastian and those bastards are just a bunch of racists!"

"Dammit, prepare to return fire!"

All Tautog mechs pulled out their weapons and aimed at Sebastian and his allies.

Seeing their reactions, Sebastian descended toward earth, stomping the ground. Upon the contact, a 50 meter-thick stone wall erected 50-meter high, separating his allies soldiers and Tautog crews.






Tautog crews unleashed their shells at the wall, but they could not reach the other side.

"God Dammit!"

"Sebastian, you bastard!"

"Retard butler! I'll fking skin you!"

Everyone was frustrated by Sebastian's power. They stopped shooting since they knew that it would be useless against the never-ending shield.

The stone wall receded, and Sebastian's teams aimed at Tautog's men again. As they had finished reloading while the Tautog was low on ammo, it was clear that the result of this conflict would decide soon.

However, they changed their aiming to Prometheus as it leaped at them. To all mechs, the 25-meter-tall giant was a threat to their mini 10-meter robots.

As their attention was shifted, they did not notice a lone thunder ball, which floated in a slow-motion before the Tautog men. It transited into ten chain lighting, zapping all Sebastian's ally robots in an instant.

All pilots were stunned by the sudden electric shock and passed out, leaving Sebastian alone.

The butler glared at the giant red beetle with hatred. He flew to the air, planning to fight Prometheus for the third round.

Before he could put his plan into action, he felt that something entering his brain.


Then, he heard a hoarse voice in his mind, "I want to play a game."


That was the last time Sebastian heard a voice while he was in his body as his conscience was pulled toward something else.