*Aha Meow*

Chapter 110 – *Aha Meow*



"Haha, you're so cute! Here is your jelly."

*Mii Nom-Nom!*


Shurka was feeding her little eggcat baby as she held it in her arm. The baby opened its flower mouth like a baby bird, meowing for more food.


"Okay, another piece."

*Mii* <3

Crystal watched over Shurka with a wide smile. On her chest, a tentacle with an eye extended outward, looking at the scene as well.

The horns and the tail were in brown color while her little wings flapped as if they were exercising.

While Shurka played with the baby, Crystal had already drunk the potion. At the moment, all scalesmen were dividing the medicines among themselves, which all of them evolved into non-element dragonewts.

*Aha Meow* (This brings me back. When I was little, you used to feed me like this.)

"Ah, they're cute, right?"

*Aha Meow* (Yup, but you're cuter! Say, baby. Can I feel see your sunshine smile one more time? I've been sleeping for so long that my heart has turned cold in the heartbreak hotel. I need your warm smile to melt my frozen heart.)

Crystal's smile cramped. It had been a while since she heard about her partner's silly pickup lines.

Her partner's name was Elvis, which he had a handsome voice just like the original owner of this name. He enjoyed flirting with Crystal in their early days as a demi-human, and his habit did not change after the resurrection.

Though annoyed, Crystal wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes. She smiled at Elvis.

"Will this do?"

*Aha Meow!* (Ah, baby. I had lost my heartbeat from sleeping for too long. Can you keep smiling like that, so my heart can keep beating from the power of your burning love?)

"If you don't want me to puke at you, stop that."

*Aha Meow* (No matter how sickly you are, my tender love will be by your side forever.)

Crystal did not know if she should laugh or cry in this situation. It was fortunate that Shurka had not matured as a mutant yet. If she understood the words of Elvis, she would have died from laughter.

"Spare me, Elvis. No more."

*Aha Meow* (Wise man says, only fools ignore your beauty.)


While Crystal was crying because of the cringe and embarrassment, a change occurred. The baby eggcat snuggled to Shurka chest and opened its mouth, biting into her chest, burying itself into her body.

Although Shurka's pain sensitivity was set at the lowest, she could still feel the sharp pain from the broken ribcages and missing flesh.

"OUCH!! Crystal, help!"

Crystal turned to Shurka to calm her, "Take a deep breath. Don't resist and let the egg enters your body. Focus on the self-regeneration to heal your wound, and you'll be fine."

Shurka sweated all over as she inhaled, filling air into her lung. After slowly breathing out, she activated her [Self-Regeneration] skill in her mind.

Her wound mended, and Shurka could sense her blood cells working at a faster rate than the usual. She followed Mia's guidance at school, trying to control her blood cells to focus on the injured areas first.


The baby eggcat meowed from within her body.

"Err, what did it say?"

Crystal smiled, "It said, it was happy to be with you. Please treat it well."

"Eh? Really?"

While Shurka was confused, the game system told her everything.







The racial perks, cons, and the details that Mia had seen displayed before Shurka.

"Evolution! I can evolve!"

Shurka was astonished, awe, and grateful to Mia. From the description, any evolution was an upgrade to her previous human race.

'Overmind's description sounds like a villain's race. Heck, historically, they were the villains! Eh, inferno dragonewt sounds fun. Can I breathe fire with it?'

Shurka thought of Mia's dragonewt's appearance. He was cute in that form, which Shurka compared it to herself what she would look like as a dragonkin.

Hesitated, Shurka pressed [Yes].




<< You're a lifestyle class. An adjustment will be made according to your occupation>>





Similar to Mia, two red horns, a short red tail, and red scales grew from her body. The Russian blonde beauty now had extra accessories to her look.

*Mii* <3

Sensing the changes, Shurka rushed to the nearest mirror. Upon seeing her appearance, she turned around to see her tail. Unfortunately, the baby was too young, and it had not generated tentacles inside Shurka's body yet, so her wings had not grown.

"Hehe, nice!"

Her mini tail wiggled like a puppy as she showed her new look to Crystal, "How do I look?"


Crystal was still astounded by the unexpected evolution. She had thought that Shurka would turn into a pre-evolved demi-human, but she became a dragonewt instead.

"Eh? How!?"

"Err, how do I look?"

"… You look good, Shurka."

*Aha Meow* (Wow, another beauty. Too bad, this one is still rough in the edges. Crystal is prettier.)


Crystal had to rub her eyes to confirm what she was seeing.

"I've lost count. How many dragonewts are there in the base now?"

*Aha Meow* (More than 500, but burning love for you is over 9000.)

"… I'm glad you didn't use the joke, I love you 3,000."

*Aha Meow* (Why should I jinx myself when my love to you is eternal.)

"… Stop with the cringe, please."




Soon, Misha returned with Sebastian. Upon reaching the base, all unconscious pilots woke up as their souls returned.

Brim and all dragonewts glanced at Sebastian with disgust, but they did not voice their thought.

The butler sighed in regret. He avoided his eye contact with them in guilt.

"Miss Misha, can I see the dealing contract that you made again?"

"Huh? Do you want to change it?"

A sad smile appeared on Sebastian's face, "Yes, please."

After Sebastian entered his officer, Crystal and Shurka also followed after Misha.

Looking at Shurka's new look, Misha's jaw dropped.

"You're beautiful, Shurka."

Shurka's face reddened in embarrassment, "T-Thanks."

*Aha Meow* (The girl is pretty, but my Crystal is the most beautiful.)


Misha looked at Crystal's face, gesturing and asking her, 'What in the godforsaken world is he saying?'

Crystal was in tears. The endless cringe-worthy pickup lines came non-stop, and Crystal could not pause Elvis's mouth.

Misha tilted her head as she looked at Crystal, "Are you so moved that you got your partner back?"

"No, I want him back to sleep."

*Aha Meow* (Even if I'm back to sleep, I'll dream of you every second.)

Misha closed her mouth, holding back her laughter, "Good luck."

"Ah, don't spoil Tama, or you'll be like me."

"I'll keep that in mind."

*Mew* (I'd rather be a banana than being like that.)


While everyone was in a merry mood, Sebastian found the contract paper and brought it with him. He reread the contract with a wry smile.

"It's weak, vague, and full of loopholes."

Crystal raised her eyebrows, "You wrote it yourself."

"… I see," Sebastian looked at Misha, "I understand the purposes of this contract now. By the way, Crystal, have you given Misha all items in the contract?"

"Yes, everything is handle."

"Very well."

Sebastian proceeded to rip the papers into pieces, shocking all onlookers.

"You!! What are you doing!?"

Screamed in shock, Crystal rushed to Sebastian and grabbed his collar, pressing him with the wall. As she thought that he might try to renege the contract and fight Misha again, Crystal exerted her every bit of strength to pin the butler.

"Take it easy, Crystal. I'm not picking a fight with Misha or anyone."

"Then, why did you destroy it!?"

Sebastian sighed, "In this age, do you think that laws and contracts mean anything? If someone breaks the contract, no one can be a witness or a law enforcer. There is no third party that will keep the rules in check either."

"B-But, it's still better than nothing!"

"I know. But I have a better solution than a contract."


Sebastian gazed into Misha's eyes, "Rather than being a temporary ally, Miss Misha, will you take my position as the Castellan of this little base?"


Shurka, Crystal, Misha, and all bystanders had widened eyes, staring at Sebastian in disbelief.




*Aha Meow* (That escalated quickly.)

*Mew* (Banana Mish, the Castellan? Oh boy, a bananacalypse is coming.)

*Mii* <3