Grandmother’s Wrath

Chapter 136 – Grandmother's Wrath

The first day of the purge went well. As Shelter 88's platoons carried VIP repair kits with them, all of their mechanical units came home in one piece. Aside from light injuries of their mutant soldiers, they suffered no significant loss.

As promised, everyone kept what they killed, and everybody's morale soared. All mutants were eager to go out again for another hunt.

However, Mia and Crystal could not find the mysterious squad that killed another alpha egg as no squad came home with another dead red egg.

Crystal had to double-check with her resource map. Still, the result was the same.

In the end, they believed that someone else might have killed it.

Meanwhile, Mia and Sebastian faced new trouble after this grand harvest. This free dispatch order harmed the base's potential gel income. In the future, Shelter 88 would not get as many jellies from other wild eggs as the past anymore.