Reinforcement from Milky Way Government

Chapter 145 – Reinforcement from Milky Way Government

Fifty kilometer north of Mafdet City was another sanctuary for humans, Maat City.

Maat City located on top of former Thailand's Ayutthaya Province, which was an ancient city found in the 13th-century. However, it was rebuilt into a fortress, serving as Mafdet Federation's stronghold.

Here, Carlos had stored all of his tanks, robots, and weaponry inside. He cooperated with MWG agents and constructed a special hangar within the fort.

Today, a hundred tanks and ten robots were being transported south. Had Mia been here, he would have recognized these machines right away.

They were the Prometheus Series, which was the same mech model that Mia was using.

The leader of this transportation team was nobody else, but Joan. As she was sent back to dominate this dimension by MWG, she had to come back to settle everything with the local mutants and humans.