Shelter 88 VS Nuclear Missiles

Chapter 172 – Shelter 88 VS Nuclear Missiles



Six homing missiles from the jets hit the two esper robot's barrier.

Seth, as an elite helicopter pilot, reacted to the attack.

He aimed his custom rifle, which resembled an ancient AR-10, pointing at the oncoming jets.

As the cockpit OS had been tampered by Seth's crews, his mech assisted with the aiming calculation. His eggcat partner also coordinated as his spotter.

Unlike Tama, Kai, or others, Seth's eggcat had eight tentacle eyes, staring at different monitors to pinpoint targets for his partner.


Seth pulled the trigger.

The jet pilot did not expect a retaliation shot, and he failed to react. The long-range shell penetrated the plane.


Two jets remained, but Seth and Brim had not found the real missiles.