Bringing Everyone to Server 1

Chapter 219 – Bringing Everyone to Server 1

Since the guild required many people to manage and assist and Misha wanted Slicky back, she allowed Natalie to disband her guild.

Unfortunately, there was a penalty for leaving the old guild. Natalie and all members had to wait for 24 hours in-game before they could move to Wet Banana Guild.

Misha was not in a rush, so she could wait.

When Misha returned to her town center, 3 NPC workers were already walking back and forth, bringing buckets of polluted seawater to the building warehouse.

She inspected the warehouse.




Buckets of Polluted Seawater: 650

Empty Space: 350


Food Value: 9,994

Consumption per day in-game: 3



The seawater gathering was going nicely, but Misha had a problem processing them.