Black Slime Army Arrived

Chapter 231 – Black Slime Army Arrived

Shurka reported the loot that they obtained from the dead Lucien.

100 Random Status Potions,

10 5-Star Upgrade Stones,

A Felionian Skill Book,

A Leporian Skill Book,

And a Random Weapon Gacha Ticket.

As Misha was sorting the aftermath, Sasha, Natalie, and Non flooded the party chat with their protest.

"Misha! You could have waited for us to go back there first! We missed the EXP rewards!"

The latter three were dissatisfied that Misha killed Lucien when they were away, so they did not receive EXP from the kill. As for Des, she did not say anything. Since she made a mistake and died in the battle, her sportsmanship and habit stopped her from demanding compensation as it was her fault.

"Okay, okay. How about this? Moo got his new summon slave, and I got my memory fragment. You all can distribute the loot among each other. I won't take any of it."