
Glossary of terms and concepts for DEATHSWORN:

A - B

1. Conduit: A special kind of person with the rare ability to materialize/channel the energy of his/her Deliverer. These people have the same patron (or Deliverer) for the three different dimensions compared to the more common folks who usually have different patrons for each. They're the counterparts of benders in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series or Indirect/Direct Controllers from the CASeries.

2. Deliverer: Refers to a supernatural, unearthly patron in the form of the mythic seven dragons of the moon and the serpent of the sun, all known mythological beings that explain the movement of the heavens and are often worshipped as gods.

3. Domains: The different category of elements under the rule of the Seven Dragons of the Moon and the Serpent of the Sun.

4. Erindal: The Continent of the East; territory of the children of the dragons—people who worship the seven moon dragons.

5. The First Among Equals (FAE): A position among the seven Dragon Emperors that commands the most respect. The First Among Equals is not to be mistaken as the leader, as they all stand in equal footing. The FAE, however, holds more sway in decision-making.

6. Glass Palace: The palace of the Veneryan emperor, also currently the FAE.

7. Lovarda: A seaside country of Erindal that specializes in trade with the other continent, Vertvalden.

8. Lovardi: The language of Lovarda,

9. The Seven Dragon Emperors of the East: Rulers of the continent of Erindal, or the East Continent. They have divided territories and represent the strongest blood of their generation. They emulate the position of the seven dragons as chosen sons of the heaven, feared and respected for their power and talents.

10. The Seven Dragons of the Moon and the Serpent of the Sun: Refer to Chapter 3: Oblivion to read the myth. They went to a battle that fed different energies to the world and caused life to flourish. They eventually compromised to enjoy the territory.

11. The Three Dimensions: the soul, the mind, and the body.

12. Veils: considered by Evyionne to be death's emissaries. They appear when a person is living their final moments. They make it 'official.'

13. Venerya: also called the Dragon's Perch. It is the country under the rule of the FAE and is the capital country for the continent of Erindal.

14. Vertvalden: The Continent of the West; territory of the scions of the serpent—people who worship the serpent of the sun.

15. The Five Warrior Kings of the West: Rulers of Vertvalden, or the West Continent. Unlike the Seven Dragon Emperors of the East, the succession to their positions are not determined by blood or pedigree. Refer to Chapter 30: Signed for an explanation.