
While looking around a thought came to mind, he knew his forgetful nature and he guessed he will be accumulated skills if this system is truthful to its name.

"So system, how am i going to keep track of these skills ?"

[The system can represent your skills in a visual representation.pictures Help kids remember]

"Yes ....."

with a blue azure flash which startled him, he lurched back in surprise pressing himself against the coarse bark of the tree.

A floating box appeared.

He tried to wave his hand through it and it just dissipated and reformed after his hand passed, as if playing he continued to swipe through it confused on how it stayed there.

[The representation is not a cats toy, Also the screen is only visible by you, Also this will show what condition is your health in ]





Body Status: Chubby , Damaged Ankle , Estimated recovery 2 days

Status Effects:Hungry ,Tired ,Cold


Cowards Sprint 10/60 Mins


Pain Resistance, Stress Resistance, Fear Resistance, Climb


" Why am i nameless and what with the numbers next to the active"

[Those numbers represent how long it will take to reuse an active skill, active skills have a cooldown on use,You are nameless due to you have not given me your name ]

"Why the hell am i considered chubby "

[Body fat exceeds 25%]

"Ohh come on can i not lose weight"

[The system can provide a weight loss shortcut within the next week ]

"Oh fuck you, wait, what about next week?"

[Due to the system has not been developed it will take a week to create produce 1 minor skill, due to the use of the system energy to increase the chance of survival,at optimum at the current system abilities you would be able to create 2 minor skills and 3 minor if experience is build up previously in one ]

"How do i restore this energy "

[Killing living things, sentient & Not ]

"Ok that's a bit ominous, Also all I have been seeing is the creation of skills where is the customization "

[The system allows for modification of preexisting skills wording changing their effect but must bear similarity in some way to the original spell for example Cowards Sprint can be turned into Courageous Sprint ,Certain limitation exists that certain word changes entirely may require the enhancement or maybe entirely impossible for the system while changing it to an opposite or similar word will reduce modification cost also changing or removing one word can reduce the cost of modification ,Also meeting certain requirement may make it cheaper like acting courageously ,You may either create customize skills when the option is available ]

Still feeling pretty hurt by the innate skill Cowards Sprint he wanted to know how to change it he spoke in a quiet tone and dis-confident tone.

"So how can i change Cowards Sprint "

[Caculating, Reduced cost due to the opposite of the word applied. full word change increase applied, the cowardice of the owner applied, With current resources and Host own cowardice this impossible even if the system is enhanced]

He wondered why he puts up with this.

"So i don't forget, my name is Caleb Sol "