
"So for me to survive against stuff around here i need to get you restored "

[Yes ,Chance to reach civilization without the assistance of the system is 32%]

"Better than expected but i won't take it "

"Any current skills that are currently able to be turned into minor skills "

[Sleep-derivation Resistance, Hunger Resistance, Hiding, Silent Step, Erase Presence, Blend In

Camouflage, Knife Mastery]

Caleb mused how he is currently in a forest without knowledge of our surroundings and one trip could end him and he didn't want to leave the safety of this big fuck off tree. He asked jokingly

"Seesa any chance of getting photosynthesis so i can just stay up here in safety?"

[Plant Skills cannot be obtained at the moment ]

"The fuck, i can photosynthesize with a skill, i don't want to know what i have to do to get a plant as a category"

"So seesa we point of no return any comments "

[To increase the chance of survival it is recommended to kill creatures easily caught and killed to restore full functionality then we can slowly thrive in this environment until we deem our chances high then exit.]

"Well with my climbing skill i can get away from most dangers, I have a lot of potential skills to do with being stealthy "

"Seesa why do i have all those skills available "

[Skills are able to be flexible and experiences can transfer into different scenarios ,All have been gained through previous action within life in your society and those skills where merely transferable to skills which could be created,Due to previous antisocial behaviour these skills are potential options for creation by the system]

"The knife skill"


"Oh ok ,a bit depressing but what can i do, so as I need to kill to restore you to full functionality, can you create a numerical show of how close i am to restoration "

[Yes, Please say "progress" to be shown the progress till fixing also i have taken the liberty to create progress to skills which could be turned into minor skills ]

"Ok then [progress]"

Fixing the system 0%

Reckless Confidence -14%

Irritate -incalucable

"Really now Seesa"

Fixing system 0%

"System ,Better, Now let us get down this tree and get to hunting"