Sound ,Smell ,Sight

[Host ,how do animals detect threats and prey]

"Sound, smell ,sight?"

[So you do have a little intelligence, you should show it some times]

"Why does this matter"

[Smell yourself]

Caleb crooked his head and placed his nose on his armpit, his nose twitched and his face puckered up at his own musk which was unbearable for even an insensitive human nose.

"Fuck that reeks, I see what you mean "

[Animals have a keener sense of smell ]

"Ahh i get you"

Caleb picked went towards a rather large pile of mud and picked up a handful and sniffed it

[I dont think that is the best option]

"What other options are there to mask my scent ,is there any deodorants in this world "

and continued to cover himself, he cringed at the slimy feeling of it across his bare skin but he knew that he couldn't complain an continued to cover every inch with mud masking his scent

[You do realize finding a clean stream would of served the same purpose and provided a drink but i guess it works, what should of i expected at least you blend in now with the browns of the forest ]

"So do deal with sound i need to tread carefully and slowly "


[Assistance Protocol Activated]

As those words resounded through Calebs head a blue figure in the foliage appeared,it looked etheric as if it didnt existst but yet it did ,it was faceless and blank ,like a ghostlike blue mannequin, still and stoic

"The fuck is that system, its creeping me out"

[Cannot spoon feed you ,Your challenge is to sneak up to that and if you fail it will flash out of existence and back in and you will have to repeat this ,up to it ]

"Whats the worse that could happen "

With a slight crouch Caleb got into hunched position and ready to sneak, with a careful step

he, he snapped a twig and the target flashed out of existence


A sharp pain shot through his head like a flick

[Try again]

"Come one "

On the next try he took great care with each step making sure nothing would make a sound ,while focused on the feet approching the figure turned

[Host must consider all senses , creatures have sight, consider your plan of approach in all situations]


Another painful shot of electric coursed through Calebs head with renewed intensity

[Try again]


[Host must not focus on 1 aspect but be capable of multitasking]



[Try again]

[You were heard on approach,try to adjust your approch and speed when reaching near the target]


[Try again ]

Caleb kicked dirt in the air in anger


"Fuck you i didn't do anything this time"


[Try again]

Caleb sucked it in and tried, and tried and tried over grueling hours

But every try he got better, closer and closer until with each step now measured and controlled, with each breath made still as his heart ,with each movement considering all all the methods of detection, sound ,sight ,smell , with a great effort Caleb finally touched the blue man with a stretch to make the fruits of his labors manifest

"Fucking finally"

Caleb fell to the ground exhausted from the exertion

[Congratulations ]


[You have completed easy mode, do you wish to continue to normall]