
"Well that ended,,,,, surprisingly well"

Caleb stared at the still carcass and as he stared sudden jolt went through Caleb's worn body causing him to convulse clutching the tree and breaking its bark as he felt something alien permeated his body

[100% System Repairs]

[Rebooting System]

"Hey, stop "

[2 Week wait time to create a skill]

"Silent Mode!"

[Goal System Inisilised]


[Challenge Rating System Inisilised]



"You done!"

[Quallity Of Live improvements inisilised]

with a quick shake of his head he slid down the tree like an oversized fireman's pole clutching it on his decent desperately, he approached the beast's body precautiously carefully tiptoeing and with an outstretched hand poked it like how a child would inquisitively poke a still body of an animal they find.

The eye of the wolf twitch and Caleb fumbling with the horn as it fell through his hands he caught it and frantically jabbed it into the creatures eye and a spurt of blood shot out into his own

"Fuck off with that ,your dead, don't scare me like that"

Looking up now hands slick with crimson vitae he saw what he wrought, pride and sorrow ,he was proud of his achievements and that permeated his body giving a warmth like glow to his face but with the smile which crept into his jaw glazed eyes looked at the brutal scene ,shaking his head and breathing out .

"So system what are the new toys"

[Goal system uses data collection tools, algorithmic extrpo....]

Interrupting quickly not able or maybe not caring to understand he said

"Laments terms, please"

[You can set a goal which you want to fulfill, System can compile a list of things to do to achieve the intended goal ]

"Any reward from doing this "

[No reward, the system may give you Goal or with act more as quests the only benefit is personal development ]

"That's....fine I guess, Whats the challenge rating"

[Allows the system to create an estimate of how challenging something will be ]

"How challenging will I be to beat"

[Depeing on scenario lower mid-tier, Upper Low Tier otherwise ]

"That doesn't sound like a bad judgment, I guess, what was this dire wolf pack?"

[individual level are low mid tier but within a pack, they become expositional more powerful,If you faced the group you would be facing an Upper Mid Tier ]

"Whats a normal human "

[Dependent on genetic potential humans range from low to lower mid-tier]

"Fair enough, what does the quality of life do ?"

Suddenly within Caleb's peripheral vision, a compass appeared in the left lower vision showing the 4 directions

With a smirk and a mischievous smile, he quickly said mockingly

"Being a thing for convenience is only be reinforced by these updates aren't they, Seesa"

[Unistal.. ]

Interrupting abruptly in a cold sweat not knowing what he could lose "Stop, stop, we don't need that System"

"Just to say remind me yesterday you said a skill could be produced when fully repaired within 1 week what has happened to that"

[Due to the allocation of energy used for repair the cost of restoration to the system was greater and longer cooling off period is necessary due to the forced redirection of energy to create Burst]


Looking across his handy work on the beasts and inspected each of them with a prodding hand careful on approach, Now confirming the other Direwolves death he sighed with relief

"I'm exhausted, time to sleep"

[Sloth Skill +2 % Progress]

Sighing off the system remarks with eyes rolling back he now used to the climb he grabbed one of the many hulking giants and scaled the great beasts which littered the forest and found himself a good area on the canopy for sleeping, He didn't realize how much time has passed and the light was near its end.

Caleb raised up his hand forwards outstretched as if trying to grab the suns looking at both the red colour from the glistening crimson vitae and the beautiful colours of the sun which seemed to meld into a vibrant ensemble, he tilted his hand a flicked away what slicked his hand and the trusty horn he carried, which was being held slack in his left .

Caleb just stared at the 2 suns which were going down the horizon as the light dimmed and the many colours of the 2 suns sunset settled he looked around with content.

"Second day in , Its not so bad after all"