
A wind blew over the broad and in unsion, they woke to daybreak and the crackling embers of the campfire of the night before. Grogily they listened and they heard rustling int he trees and with a bolt, they equipped everything they could, Marcus had only time to prepare the metal chest piece to fasten and his shield and sword,

They heard heavy breathing and they prepared for the worst and they stared into the dark foliage

"Get ready we have company "

"Where is the guide"

"who cares Probably ran "

Suddenly 2 Direwolves darted out the dark one going for john and one for Rea

The one darting towards john went through Johns image as it shimmered out of existence

the dire wolf head clicked back looking at what it just went through angry it twitched to Marcus

"Come here mongrel "

Marcus slammed his sword on his shield

The Wolf charged him and as it did with deft precision the shield lifted the great bulk and threw the Wolf overhead and as he did he jabbed into the soft underbelly of the beast

John darting out the shadows

"Nice shot my turn "

Charging forward through the foilage jumped out the wolf prepared to bit but Johns charging figure changed into 2 images which had different paths which entered the foilage looking around from left to right it saw John jump out and it went for the bite but as it did the image disappeared and it looked to its left and was struck from the right ,

John jumped back and in a mocking tone

"Too simple "

Marcus shouted

"Nice one John"

Rea was pounced by the wolf and as if prepared raised her arm which took the blow, the bite eviscerated her army as she tried to shake the creature of it would not budge , An arrow struck true causing a whimper and Rea threw the wolf to the wooden pillar letting out a whimper the wolf jolted and saw the little girl ,it slathered its lips and charged

covering her face the girl raised her staff up and a quick shot of warm light shot froward and as it hit the wolf the smell of burnt fur was a pungent fragrance in the air ,not cowed the wolf charged forward pouncing forward Ella's hands were outstretched covered with a red glow , as the Wolf touched brushed the hands going for the throat a black energy pulsed through the beasts being turning veins to black and sprawling the Direwolf on it bakc, using the momentary reprieve she ran behind a tree

The wolf cowed knowing to cut its losses ran into the brush, Rea was frothing with rage seeing Ella being attacked and roared to the very heavens, the roar was blood curdling like a shout to war which racked throughout the forest cowering the wolf which John and Marcus fought