Death Knell

The Alpha skulked closer slathering its maw with the thick viscous salvia which lapped off its tongue as it dropped to the floor, it gnashed its teeth at the group.

Marcus looked into the beast's eyes and he felt the bestial eyes pierce him which made him feel cold but he could still feel the warm trickle of his wounds

"Run "

"We will not "


"No we can't do this "

"Look at me ,do i look i can go on much longer, we are all bloody wounded we cannot do this, get to grips with it im not some valiant paladin, no hero just a human, i drew you into this mess SO FUCKING RUN "

The group looked down and Marcus stared down the beast as if in a primal showdown seeing who strikes first

He heard rustling in the tree but didn't care, whatever it is fuck it

The wolf saw the running the 4 runoff and was ready to give chase

Marcus raised his blade slick with gore and blood of the Dire wolves


The Alphas twitched to Marcuse's eyes and they shone with vicious intent and gleamed, Its teeth gnashed like a continuous hammer blows on hot metal with its blade-like teeth

The Alpha paced around Marcus observing its prey, taking its measures, finding where to bite and eviscerate, how best to eat this morsel who dares challenge its

Marcus stole a glance at his group who disappeared into the underbrush and as he did the Alpha gave a bestial smirk and pounced.

A black blur came from the canopy shooting down like a swooping hawk and with a thunk, the Alpha cried out stopping in its tracks and whirling around trying to shake but the blur became a human figure

Marcus rushed froward mustering what he could and stabbed into the meat of the alpha as the man drove a dagger deeper into the Alphas skull as he was tossed and turned by the rabid throws of the alpha viscera started to spray onto the ground mixing with the mud as the Alpha began to thrash violently it bled violently torrenting its vitae and with one last push of effort the dagger broke and dug deep within the wolf snapped lodged deep inside the Alphas skull but it still thrashed the man was tossed to the floor hilt of the blade in hand and Marcus without strength left was thrown to the floor in equal measure .

The Alpha wincing in pain looked at both of the men in front of it absolute hatred coursing through it veins but as it tried to move forward it shuddered its heart stilling, the Alphas eyes rolled back and its bulky form fell to the floor blood caking the ground.

Exhausted Marcus looked at the form and only saw a smirking face

Marcus vision suddenly began to darken as the adrenaline pumping through his veins was released and the seizing pain of his muscles taking him

"I ...need to rest"

Marcuse's vision faded to black and started to fall before being caught by Caleb