Story Setting

The world setting is based on 21st Century's Earth, where there is a new-found energy present. In the time before our protagonist died, there were little information about this mysterious energy. Even if some people did get little enlightenment about it, it was mostly kept in secret. While nobody really knows how or why this energy suddenly appeared, many believed this was the path to prolong their lifespan or even gain immortality.

One of the goals of a human being, seeking immortality, was never before accomplished. Even with the modern technology and higher living standards, it could only prolong ones life only so much. But with a possible path that could lead to this objective, humanity entered a new age.




Cronological Order;

2008: Where our protagonist, Liam, came back to after he died.

2010-2015: Top brass of the world discovers a new type of energy present in Earth. Beside some groups on Earth, rest of the World is oblivious.

2020: This new type of energy introduced to the rest of the population on Earth. More like couldn't be hidden anymore.

2025: The time our protagonist died, before going back in time.





Liam Powell: Protagonist of this story. His physical traits mostly resemble his father Eric. He is tall, blonde with blue eyes and his body is on the skinnier side. He is a kind and attentive person. But after his marriage with Hannah, he was overwhelmed with his studies, job and the responsibility of being a father. He became cold and distant with those around him. But after he lost his family and home, he knew how precious those moment were. What if he was overwhelmed with everything? It was better then not having anything to be troubled over with. But it was all too late for him to change anything. There were only regrets. Thus he spent latter half of his life in regret and misery. Eventually leading to his death. After his rebirth, he will not let the past repeat itself ever again.

Hannah (Collins) Powell: Liam's beautiful wife. She has silky smooth brown hair, beautiful green eyes and a smile that could make Liam's heart skip a beat. She likes the color purple the most. She shows her emotions without much care to her surroundings. Although she was a little immature and still had the cuteness of a girl, she became much more mature and elegant women once she given birth to her daughter.

Unnamed daughter of Liam and Hannah

Eric Powell: Liam's father. He is a hardworking father, that spends most of his life to provide for his family. He likes to tease others, especially his son Liam. He is a tall and towering man with looks that suggest he was once a very handsome man . But all the years of harsh work managed to shadow this feature of his.

Linda Powell: Overprotective mother of Liam. She is traumatized by the years she tried to give birth to a child, just to fail. So, once she given birth to Liam, she became a possessive and protective mother. She is always conserned about his son. Linda is a beautiful woman that doesn't really show her real age. She is troubled with her short height compared to his husband Eric.

Oliver Brown: Liam's best friend from highschool. He is a loyal friend. He is energetic and gets loud when he is in a environment that he is relaxed. Oliver has a well built body with black hair and brown eyes. He is in a relationship with a girl named Callan.