Memories of Her (1)

A week later, it was the beginning of a new academic year for the students. Thousands of students went towards their respective faculties to start their studies as university students. Liam was one of them aswell. He was very much exited. It wasn't an excitement that aroused from being a freshman or starting his studies. He was a student most his life anyway, it was just a higher level of education. He wasn't exited about studying economics aswell. He didn't really had an aspiring dream of being in a specific field of expertise, thus, he only chose to study economics, because it had wider range of sectors that he could be employed in.

He was exited about being able to see Hannah. Since the day they have met in the campus, he couldn't get her out of his mind. If he had her phone number, he would have given her a call long ago. That was what he imagined anyway. He definitely didn't have that kind of courage to get a girls number he just met and call her afterwards. So he had to wait for a week to get another chance to meet her.

He entered the campus with his student id. He did take a look at it and when he saw the photo, he grimaced. 'Why do I feel like I have some sort of curse, that makes me have the worst photos in every single card I have.' He sighed and headed to the building he would be taking the classes while checking his schedule to see which room he needs to go. He found the room and entered. Currently, there wasn't that many people in it, since there was still time untill the class starts. His gaze swept through the room and located the beauty he was searching for. Her head was down, so she didn't notice him. He walked beside her, just to see her reading a book. He sat beside her and asked;

"Hey, Hannah. What are you reading with so much fervor?"

"Oh, hi." She said after being surprised by the sudden voice beside her ear "Its just a book that I recently got from the book store across the street, opposite to the campus entrance." Hannah replied with a smile.

With these type of small talks, they started to get to know each other better. From what she liked to read to which color was her favorite, he wanted to know it all. Normally, he wouldn't be this talkative. He was really interested with her.

With time, they started eating lunch together, walking to and out of classes, studying together before the exams. He was taking every single opportunity to spend time with Hannah. He even changed some of his non mandatory classes to match hers. Of course all this didn't escape Hannah's beautiful green eyes. She was secretly amused about his behavior of him coming to classes like he'd been taking them from the beginning of the semester like nothing happened. 'Does he really think it isn't obvious?' She thought, but chose to remain silent about all this. She didn't find it creepy at all, actually, opposite of it. She found his silly stalker side funny, as long as it didn't become extreme.

Hannah was popular among the girls. She was friendly, talkative and a brilliant girl. She also knew how to listen others. Let's not forget about her beautiful smile and laugh, especially the laugh. Whenever she laughed, Liam found himself in a trance and listened to her cheerful and lively voice. She wasn't afraid of showing her emotions. When she's happy she would give a hearty laugh without much care to her surrounding. She was carefree indeed. Liam already had a couple of photos of her different expressions, those were taken in secret of course.

Even though Hannah was popular and didn't lack any companion to spend time with, she would always have time for Liam . She didn't have any complaints about Liam's continuous attempts of getting closer with her. She enjoyed her time with him as much as he did.

Hannah wasn't only popular with girls. There were many guys who were smitten with her, but Liam had the head start in this race. He monopolized every available time Hannah got for the opposite sex.

Liam was no pushover either. He was a handsome young man who had many admirers behind the scenes aswell. But they were all shutdown by a certain someone before it could even surface. He was completely oblivious to this very fact.

The time went by and the end of the semester came. After the last of the finals finished, Hannah and Liam decided to celebrate it with few of their friends from the same faculty. They went to a place where they served good food and drinks. With full stomach, pleasant chat and a mind that is free from the burdens of the exams, they had a great time. But this group of friends weren't the type that had nightlife and definitely not to party till morning. They just enjoyed their time for a couple of hours before separating. As the two organizers of this event, Hannah and Liam were the last ones that remained behind. Before they left the place, he had decided to head to the restroom to freshen up. Leaving behind Hannah, who's been getting ready to leave, and a phone on top of the table they were sitting in.

The phone on the table started vibrating after Liam left. At first Hannah didn't have any reaction to it, and it stopped after a while, but again, it started ringing without a stop. So she picked up the phone to see who's calling. It was Oliver. She thought for a second and then answered it. Before she could even speak, the caller started shouting.

"Why does it even take this fucking long for you to pick up your phone, Liam?? I know you have chased after this girl you like for the past few months, but now you are not even answering my calls. Are you that lovestruck to ignore this brother of yours? Where you at?" Oliver said while pretending to be angry to tease Liam. It was the first time for his friend being this determined and serious about a girl.

"Mmm, Liam's not here at the moment, he's in the restroom."

At first there were only silence "Ah... ha ha ha" an awkward laugh sounded from the phone as a reply. "I will call him in another time then." He ended the call immediately after. 'I hope she's not the girl he likes, or I'm screwed.' Oliver really made a blunder this time.

"The girl he talked about, should be me, right?" Hannah assumed. "It is obvious, because we have been spending more and more time with each other. There can't be some other girl." But the possiblity of there being another girl bothered her, she was anxious. "Let me check his phone." She couldn't stop herself and started going through Liam's phone to seek comfort. There wasn't anything out of ordinary in messages, so she opened up the gallery to check. There she saw her own photos that's been taken without her knowing. She was at first suprised, then felt warm and sweet inside. She was content that she was the one in these photographs and some other girl. Hannah couldn't help but smile.

While she was checking through his phone, the owner of the phone finally came back to see Hannah playing with it.

"What are you doing over there, Hannah?" Liam questioned.

"When did you take these? Hmmm?" She answered back while showing him a photo of hers in his phone.

Liam started sweating immediately. 'How should I answer?' Thinking for a while before saying "Why did you decide to suddenly go through my phone like that?" He used the ultimate card of answering a question with another one. A man's most effective weapon for gaining some more time while being interrogated by his girlfriend. Although she's not his girlfriend yet, the time was right for it to be used.

"Well, you got a call from your friend Oliver. He did call nonstop, so I just picked it up while thinking it might be something important."

"And?" Liam kept questioning while thinking of a possible answer.

"He complained about you ignoring him for this girl you liked. So I was a little curious and checked your phone.Thats it." She was having fun while watching Liam's face going color to color while sweating profusely. She had the upper hand and kept pressuring Liam.

Liam grimaced at this revelation. 'You, you, you prick!! Now you have done it you idiot. Hdnfkrkkrmf.' He swore in his mind 'Well there is no point in denying at this point.' He decided to go into action without thinking anymore.

Liam leaned towards her, took her face between his hands and planted a kiss on her lips. Hannah, who's been having fun teasing Liam all this time, stunned still. She wasn't expecting it at all and went beet red immediately. After few seconds of kissing they were separated.

It took few seconds for Liam yo catch his breath and say "At this point there is no need to deny it anymore. Yes, you are the person Oliver was talking about. I have been attracted to you, since the day we met at the campus. With time I started loving you more and more. Though it might have been obvious, I couldn't really find the right moment to express it all. I wanted see your beautiful face and couldn't get enough of those expressions of yours, so that is why I have all those pictures of you in my phone." Liam said in one breath while also being red from head to toe. "Is this answer satisfactory enough for you?"

Hannah was still in a daze after the unexpected kiss that came out of nowhere and couldn't really comprehend what really was happening. "Mhm... Yes, it is enough" answered Hannah with a shaky voice. Her bossy behavior while confronting Liam was nowhere to be seen.

They stayed in that place for a little longer and came clean about their feelings for each other. There wasn't any world shattering confession or a mood for it to be made. It was a bit rushed because of certain someone. But it all still went pretty well.