Update 3

Guess who's back! Back Again! Hello, thank you for the generous wait. I'm back at it again. I edited my first two chapters and it is making me cringe like crazy. Welp, whatever. I, the unreliable amateur writer will give you some more chapters. Remember me updating twice a week? Yea, that's impossible. For now, the chapter releases are gonna be pretty slow. But things are guaranteed to speed up in a mere month. While I'm at it, I'm considering switching the POV between Bai Min and Wang Fang. What do you think?

P.S. Just to clarify, although this may be modern world romance and such. It is indeed set in another dimension, so things may be unrealistic as all hell. Divine intervention (*cough, plot convenience), exists. Please don't get pissed T^T

P.S.S Bai Min is strongly influenced by me, I'm not the sanest person you'll come across. Don't expect her to be too sane either. After all, everybody's a bit flawed. Yes, even Wang Fang. (Don't tell Bai Min, she'll ruin my already nonexistent social life)