The Icy President Likes to Joke Around

Bai Min was unexpectedly knocked on the head by a small fist. The sudden pain made her go into a brief moment of shock before she saw the perpetrator.

Wang Fang's icy cold face stared back at her, "What sort of wonderful daydream can my dear Bai Min be having when it's still within office hours?"

Bai Min was rendered speechless, her mouth slightly agape while she searched for excuses.

Wang Fang laughed at the sight, her voice clear and pleasant to hear. Bai Min blushed uncontrollably, her ears practically blowing steam from her embarrassment. She felt a gentle hand on her head.

"My apologies, the sight of you blanking out was just too cute. I've sullied my reputation as your superior, won't you forgive me?" Wang Fang attempted to sound sorrowful, but she could not remove the traces of amusement in her voice.

Bai Min blushed even more furiously as she shyly nodded her head. Wang Fang laughed once more and she dragged the tomato-red girl to her personal lounge.

Wang Fang took a seat and softly patted the spot next to her. Bai Min obediently compiled without a sound. Wang Fang stretched herself out, looking more like a lazy cat than ever. "Thank you Bai Min." She started in a soft voice, "If not for you, I don't think I ever would've gotten a chance to relax like this. You've taught me so many things."

Wang Fang turned over to look at the girl next to her. Their eyes met, staring deep at each other. Icy blue eyes meeting warm amber ones, an eternity seemed to pass in silence.

A knock interrupted the eternity, echoing through the room. "President, you have guests," a voice followed soon after.

Wang Fang's gentle gaze froze over. She stood up and took quick strides to the door. Wang Fang glanced at Bai Min, their eyes locking before she immediately retracted her gaze. The door opened and shut with a bang, leaving Bai Min sitting in silence while listening to the echo of Wang Fang's footsteps.

She woke in a jitter. It was a dream of the past. She thought of the precious times she'd spent with Wang Fang in the past. It was an old memory of when she was a shy girl who always turned bright scarlet in Wang Fang's presence. Now she sat in the seat Wang Fang used to occupy and looked down at her own handiwork like Wang Fang used to always do. It was a great change that she will never be used to.

She stared at her ceiling, one that she had built with her own riches. She felt the soft bed beneath, yet another thing that she had earned. But had she really earned it? These things came with a price. Everything she had came with a price. She had destroyed Wang Fang's pride while seeking her love and affection. What kind of excuse could Bai Min ever come up with to appease Wang Fang's anger? It was done in the name of love? Who would believe that?

Bai Min turned over to the sleeping figure beside her as yesterday's events flooded her head.

Bai Min was locked in a staring contest with Wang Fang. Neither side seemed to breathe as their eyes stayed unwavering.

Finally, Bai Min gave up. "Wang Fang…"

There was no response, not even a twitch of acknowledgment. Wang Fang's eyes were lifeless.

Deciding to ignore the lack of commentary, Bai Min thickened her face. She wiped away the drying tears on her face and grinned somewhat sheepishly.

"W-Wang Fang, the weather sure is nice today…" Bai Min trailed off as she began to sweat under Wang Fang's stare.


It was just like the old times with Wang Fang staring at Bai Min's actions. Except for this time, there was nothing but apathy.

Bai Min trekked over to Wang Fang's side of the bed and slumped down.

Just like old times.

She fidgeted for a bit before looking at Wang Fang.

Tears welled up in her eyes once more. Wang Fang's stare had never changed location. Bai Min only happened to be where Wang Fang was staring. She was never in Wang Fang's eyes.

Bai Min was only in the way of what Wang Fang truly wanted to look at.

Just like back then.

There was a knock on the door and a kindly-looking woman entered the room.

"Ms. Bai Min, it's great seeing you here."

"Has Wang Fang gotten better? Why is she so…" Bai Min gestured at the motionless figure next to her.

The doctor took a seat across from the two and began, "Ms. Wang Fang's physical condition is perfectly fine. She may be a bit weak from the coma, but a bit of exercise can easily fix that. Her mental health on the other hand…"

Bai Min almost jumped up when she heard it. Those were never good words.

"I suggest you take her to a psychiatrist. Ms. Wang Fang has most certainly developed a mental disorder. We believe the cause of it is intense shock and trauma. Do you have any idea of what that may be?"

"..." Bai Min's thoughts went back to the events of two years ago.

"Either way, I suggest you spend time with her and give her the help she needs."

"Of course."

"Ms. Wang Fang may have some kind of DID or Borderline Personality Disorder. Please be careful. Some symptoms of both of these include aggression. If the worst comes, please calm her down with this."

Bai Min was promptly handed sedatives.

"Don't worry Ms. Bai Min. She will recover soon if given plenty of care."

That was the end of yesterday. Wang Fang was led out of the hospital and into Bai Min's car with surprising ease.

Bai Min ended up taking the rest of the day off as soon as she reached home to keep an eye on Wang Fang.

Contrary to her worries of Wang Fang causing trouble, she immediately fell asleep when she found Bai Min's bed.

Wang Fang slept peacefully for the rest of the night, leaving Bai Min doing her work in silence.

Bai Min set up her workspace beside the bed so she could watch Wang Fang.

A smile slowly grew on her face as she observed the striking features of the slumbering angel.

"Wang Fang, you're really too beautiful."