Trying to move on

It has been two years since mother passed away and the love of my life also left me without an explanation or reasons,the only person who l can count on is my dear Brother Dallas Thomas.

Kylie Thomas is my name,a 24 years beautiful lady who had everything at my feet and was ready to follow her dream of becoming the world best fashion designer two years ago but my world came falling down the moment the two people l loved the most left me alone. l was supposed to take over my mother's fashion house but now Dallas is the one taking care of it because l still can't forget how my mother got shot there, the pain is still fresh in my heart .

l now work as a personal assistant to one of the most handsome youngest man in Bk cooperation Mr.Rob Williams.

Rob ,has he preferred me to call him that,because l just started to date him two month ago after asking me to be his girlfriend for more than one year now. l refused to date him because so part of me was still holding on for the love of my life but now am dating him hoping one day l Will love him like he does .


As l was still lose in my thoughts,when l saw him coming out from his office with a serious face

Kylie can l talk to you for a moment in my office

sure l said and followed him into the office

what is wrong Rob?

Why didn't you pick my calls yesterday?

Am sorry Rob ,yesterday was my mother's anniversary so l visited her grave with my brother

You should have told me ,he said and pulled me into his arms

l Will have been there to support you dear

l know you will,but l didn't want you and my brother to end up fighting again.

To be frankly with you,l don't understand why he hate me so much

same here, l also wonder why and anytime l ask him he change the topic

never mind,anyways it almost time for closing and l won't be able to drop you home today .l have to meet up with some clients

Which clients? l don't know about them and is not in your schulde

ooh.. Am just helping a friend out that is why you don't know about them

l can tell from his voice that he is lieing and hiding something from me ,this is not the first time l notice that but what can it been ,l have to find out .l thought to my self

well if you say So,l will call Dallas to pick me up than

No need, l already asked the driver to drop you home and come back for me later

Ok let me go and clear my desk ,is almost time l gave him a kiss on the checks and left the Office