Why will he do that? he won't dare

l know but let him keep his job, because sometimes l feel lazy to cook

That is why l love you,you always put people first before you

l am my mother's daughter 😌

Bae l know is hard for you to forget what happened to your mother but can you please move pass it

Am trying very hard to do that,but l just don't understand why people can be so wicked by killing an innocent person without any reason,l will make sure to haunt them down and destroy their lives with that l promise you

My heart started beating fast,when l heard what she said. l left the dinner table without finishing my food

Bae, Is everything ok

Yes just feeling a little dizzy that all

lie down and let me get you some brown sugar tea it will help you relax

l clear the dinner table and wash the dishes and make brown sugar tea for Rob

Bae drink this,you will be okay

l Sat my him and placed my head on his shoulder after he finished drinking the tea

Are you okay now?

yes am good, Let go to bed is already late


with that they headed into the room

Bae you can take a shower first,l have some emails to send to jim

10 mintue later..

After taking my shower, l saw Rob still glued to his laptop

Am done bathing , the shower is all yours

l quickly shut the laptop and headed to the bathroom

With Rob in the shower, l can now find out what is hiding from me, l quickly open his laptop and found out that he has not log out

So l read through his chat with jim

Hey what kind of language are their writing in , all l can read was send the ice

hmm Rob is really hiding something

l shut the laptop and placed it by the bed side when l heard Rob coming out from the shower

ROb have a nice body build up with his 4 packs and small muscles and l always like to watch him show them off to me

Like what you see?

No l have since better ones than this

Really from where? l join her in bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

you look good in your nightwear

Thanks as l pull him down and pit my hands around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss. We were both out of breath when l let him go and look straight in his eyes

Bae, Let do it (l know what l want and l won't beat around the busy ,that is what makes me different from other girls)

No bae, Am really tired today

okay if you say so good night

please Kylie, don't be like that ,l Will make it up to you

ROb, you have been saying this for more than four months now, just go to bed.

l turn off the light my bedside


l woke up at dawn to have some water, the truth is that ever since my mom passed away, l find it very difficult to sleep so l always end up waking up at dawn.

l was on my way downstairs, when l heard Rob talking on his phone to someone in the study

Who will he be talking to by this time, was about to find out from him when l heard him mention jim so l stop in my tracks to listen to what they were talking about

What the fuck is wrong with you jim, How can you make a mistake like this .l will be there in 20minute prepare the jet,we leave now

l quickly tie-toe into the bedroom and pretended to be asleep

Rob quickly thrown on black top with a black Jean plus a black jacket.

After dressing out ,l want to sit by Kylie on the bed and look at how peaceful she was sleeping and gave her a kiss on the forehead and left her a note