This morning the atmosphere in Kylie work place was not pleasant at all since their boss have been in a bad mood since he entered the office.

Kylie knocked on Rob's office door before entering. When she entered, she saw him relaxing on his sofa with a cold expression on his face. She pulled the armchair and sat infront of him.

"Can we talk?"she asked

He looked at her before sitting up and said sure "what do you have on you mind"


" What about us?"

"l want to know why for the pass two years we have never done it before "

"Why is this coming from now? l thought you were okay with it

"you thought? you made that decision for me without asking for my opinion

"Am sorry, l should l asked you about it before but l didn't because to me is not important if we do it or not.

" mmm l heard you but can you answer this question sincerely. If if is not important than why do you do it with another lady

Rob was shocked about Kylie 's question and didn't know what to say but just starred at her.

"Are you shocked how l know This? well let me tell u than l received videos from someone, you were doing it with some other girl in your car.

"please let me explain, is not what you think. l was drunk and l though that person was you

Kylie couldn't believe the lies coming out from his mouth so she just allowed him to lie to her face. " l have one more question for you. since when have you been selling cocaine?

Rob heart beat fastest when he heard that question. He started laughing before looking at Kylie and asked ." where did you get this idea from "

"From you,l heard your conversation with Jim

so now tell me.

"l don't sell cocaine, jim got in trouble with someone who does that so l try to help him out when he asked for my help".

"pff you want me to believe that"

"Am telling you the true Kylie "

"mmm ok l believe you. Anyway yesterday l have sex with my ex" with that she left the Office without waiting to hear what he had to say.

Rob was so mad at what Kylie told him ,and that made him to throw the vase at the door before picking up his phone and called Jim.

"Jim l want you to get me all the information on Kylie's ex and found out we sent the sex video to Kylie.

"ghost l was just about to call you and tell you this. The FBI you shot is the same guy who want after our shipment and he is also Kylie ex Henry Davis know has the devil.

"What ,how can this be possible? wait, it make sense now ,how he was her that night

"Good to know you have not lose that part of your sense.

"Jim l don't know how you will do it but get him out of the way without any mistake and before l forget she knows about the ice

"What the fuck,how ?

"she heard about our conversation "

"Ghost l think we should take her out too before is too late"

"No one should touch a hair on her, do you understand "

"sure ,l trust your judgement

"Now get on the job "

After the phone call,Rob try his possible best to talk to Kylie but she made sure all his effort was wasted whiles Henry on the other hand was waiting for the result to know who the ghost guy was.