Solving the puzzle!!.!

"Hey you guys should calm down you have a lot of power in your hands that can destroy so many things and kill people... Would you want to hurt your enemy or 1 billion people?" said Shadow.

"I don't get it" said demon.

"You haven't saved a life so I wouldn't be surprised" said Angel.

"Ya you are right" said Demon.

"So how do I use magic" said Shadow.

"All three have a power, you shadow have the greatest power though and we are equal" said Angel.

"You can control us and read our minds we can also read tour mind but not control you" said Demon.

"But it would be fun to control you" said Demon and grinned.

"You use us with your heart and brain" said Angel.

"Ok Thank you" said Shadow. The Demon looked happy and proud and said "Whatever".

"No problem and someone looks happy said the Angel grinning.

Then Shadow went back to reality....

When he was in reality Mic was focused like everyone else in the room.

Anyway shadow took thier advice and thought of making his eye glow out a light and boom it happened and he could see what was written in the piece of paper.

"Woah" said Shadow happily. When he said that Mic also said "Woah how did you do that".

Then Shadow turned his light off and told every that happened to him...

"No way that is cool let me try" said Mic focused and he had his eyes glowing out wards like a cars headlight.

"What does it say i forgot to read from all the excitement" said Shadow.

"It says Choose a teacher and there are 15 of them" Mic said scrolling down.

"We should choose the same one" said Shadow turning his eye light on.

"Lets choose the last one" Mic said. Shadow Nodded. The last person on the list was Mr:Frank....