Shadow ball

Shadow ran and kicked the ball.

The ball was gone as soon as he hit it. The speed of the ball couldn't be measured. Mr: Frank saw it but no one not even the goalie saw it coming on to the goal.

"Gooooooooaaaalllll" said Mr: Frank.

"Yay go Shadow wooo" cheared his team. Shadow was so surprised that he even shot the ball.

"Alright that was a fun game and As you know in MagicBall the team to score the first ball wins so Blue team won" says Mr:Frank.

After they put up thier Jersey and Boots they teleported back to class.

"Alright we all know each other well now so starting tommorow we will learn more on how to use magic and take some tips and learn stuff so for Today thats all".

"Yo Teach hasn't it been a minute since we came in class or is my calculations wrong" says pulp.

"Yes it has and I stoped time to play a little game before the big Assembly where we enjoy our self as a team" said M:Frank.

"Woah you can stop time?" said Mic Amazed.

"Anyone can" said Jake.

"Cool" said Mic.

"Alright guys go to building 20" said M.Frank behind everyone as they rush ro get to the Assembly.

"Hey shadow can you help me get betyer at activities in return i will help you with your powers" said Lily.

"Ok I will keep that in mind and if you ask M.Frank he might help.

"Umm he is a bit Scary" says Lily.

"Why do you think that?" says Mic from behind Shadow.

"Well his mana and Strength is so strong" says Lily scared.

"You are right" says Jake and Jasmine.

"Haha hi my name is Jasmine" says Jasmine.

"Jake" says Jake. They introduce themselves to each other.

"Ok Here we are" said M.FRANK.

"Woah " said alot of people from M.FRANK' class and other strangers.

When they entered They saw a huge hole going down like a ramp but as they entered the building there was a big stage all the way at the bottom and seats above them below them to the side of them. It looked like a rich Movie theather. It was super clean and shiny.

"Woaaahhhh" said Everyone except the Teachers who were grinning.

All the way down at the stage there was the headmsater and another guy wearing a suite which was really neat and gave away sparkles of light. The suite wasn't as dull as the ones you buy at some store.