Maybe Lint himself didn't want to admit it, but he liked watching how she reacts. It was funny, really, since it's their second time meeting, but he felt like they'd get along.
Of course, she didn't think that way. It was understandable that she thought of him as a weirdo. Even more, he wondered how she had the patience to not slap him.
But, Lint did think it was a bit irrational that she was unfriendly towards him right from the start. He wondered why she was glancing at him with such hostility the first time he spoke up in the café.
Lint tilted his head, observing the startled girl in front of him.
Maybe she was mad for ruining her fate? He shouldn't have agreed to substitute Shadd. She probably wanted that guy as her date and not some crazy weirdo who starts proposing.
He also knew that asking to marry is quite foolish; he did it half-jokingly, to tell the truth.
The situation required to find a fiancée as fast as possible. But, who in their right mind would marry a stranger, let alone someone like him?
It was already enough that Anoi still hasn't called the police. Other women had. The ones he asked before.
Some pepper-sprayed him, some punched, others run away shouting "Pervert!" (in the best case). In the last month, he went to the hospital so often that the guard treats him like his son, and doctors as their regular.
He looked at the girl and felt a headache coming. Why did he even come to the date?… He'd better stop troubling her.
It was a pity they met under such conditions. Anoi seemed like a cool person, and he liked her comebacks. It was weird she lied about being an assistant manager, but hey, everyone has their own circumstances. He lied a lot too.
There was only one thing he hadn't lied so far. At least, he partially told the truth... He partially told the truth about the reason he proposed to her. A part that was the lie was creating the impression about her being the only one he had so far proposed to. Well, he didn't intent on telling everyone how many had rejected him. And a part that was the truth was about it being convenient.
It would have been nice if anyone agreed to marrying him, or at least being a girlfriend. And if Anoi agreed, it would save him the trouble of creeping out yet another young females by his sudden confessions.
Sure, he considered once proposing in a proper way, after getting to know each other, that is. But, after being dumped again and again, he understood that dating normally is out of question. He started going to dates and telling them right away that he was looking for a fiancée.
This tactic back-fired. Most run away and blocked his number.
He looked at Anoi.
"She'll do that too." He thought.