Hello, my cute readers! (´・ᴗ・`)
How's your day going?
Me? I'm all good.
I finished the outline of the book. Done. The end. Well, I might insert a few fluff chapters though.
But, yeah, the outline is done.
today I wrote 5 500 words so far.
Now, I'll continue writing out the chapters one by one.
I estimate this novel will be going for 1-2 months. with daily updates. Actual daily updates.
And, I've just made up, somehow, an idea for a new story; my next story that I will start working on after publishing this one.
Hohoho. It's so good, can't wait to write it.
Kisses, love, hugs, ice-cream sharing etc,
I'll write to you soon! ʸ(ᴖ́◡ु⚈᷉)♡⃛