Stole My First Kiss

"Boss, did something happen?" Finally, Xiao Min gathered the courage to ask him.

Lu Qiang coughed in embarrassment when he realized that he was being observed. Clearing his throat, Lu Qiang answered with his usual poker face, "Nothing. Just thinking about something."

"Is there something worrying you?" Xiao Min knew this question was useless as his boss was smiling from ear to ear. Something good must have happened to him.

"No!" Lu Qiang replied in a firm voice.

As Xiao Min and the driver had thought, this discussion ended with the "No" but to their surprise, their boss talked again.

"Just thinking about repaying a kindness," Saying, Lu Qiang opened the file again and started to go through it.

Xiao Min hadn't expected his boss to speak six more words after the initial reply. It surprised the driver, too. He didn't dare to ask any further, sure that the quota for the boss's words had been fulfilled for the day.


Jiang Yuyan was waiting for her brother in the car near the intersection. It had been half an hour, and he still hadn't come back. As she was about to make a call, she heard a knock on the window.

It was her brother, holding a shopping bag. The driver unlocked the door for him and Jiang Yang put the bag in the front passenger seat then sat next to his sister. The driver started the car, and they moved to go back to their home.

"What's in that bag?" Jiang Yuyan asked.

"A surprise for you," he said with a wink.

"For me?" she asked, surprised.

Laughing a little, he said, "Don't get too excited. I am just kidding. Those are undergarments for me in that bag."

She groaned at the comment and chose to gaze out of the window.

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Yang exclaimed, "What? Do you want to see? I don't mind it. They are quite sexy," and pretended to take that shopping bag from the front seat.

"No need!" Jiang Yuyan didn't speak further, but she thought, 'Why don't these men mind showing off their lower bodies? Shameless!' Closing her eyes, she leaned back to take a nap. When they reached home, it was almost 6.30 pm. Jiang Yuyan went straight to bed as she was tired to her bones.


7 pm, Lu Mansion.

Lu Qiang arrived home later than usual. He had spent extra hours trying to catch up with the work that had piled up.

When Lu Qiang reached the living room, two figures came towards him.

"Brother Lu Qiang, we are back."

Lu Lian and Lu Bao, his younger sisters, greeted him.

Lu Lian was Lu Qiang's sister while Lu Bao was Lu Qiang's cousin and Lu Chen's daughter. She was a year younger than Lu Lian. The two had gone on a trip with their friends during summer vacation. The sisters shared a close bond and were best buddies.

Lu Qiang looked at them with a smile. "How was your trip?" he asked.

Smiling brightly, Lu Lian replied, "It was awesome!"

Lu Lian, a calm, pretty and a sober girl who always listened to the elders. Carved features, fair skin just like her mother, the same black color of the eyes as her siblings and black hair which ended up to her elbows, taller in height than girls of her age.

"Yes! It was the best vacation we have had. How are you, brother Lu Qiang? Haven't you missed us?" Lu Bao asked.

Lu Qiang replied, "I did!"

Lu Bao, a naughty and always so excited girl who could be in trouble and always pulled Lu Lian in that trouble. A short figure, innocent face but looked full of mischief when she was up to something. Delicate features, grey eyes, fair skin, short brown hair long up to her shoulders. She was scared of only one person and that was her mother Su Hui.

"Hey! Let him take a breath first. He just came back from the office."

It was Lu Han with his wife, Lu Xiu. "How are you, Lu Qiang?" Lu Han asked, directing his attention to his cousin.

Lu Han, the elder son of the family and the son of Lu Chen and Su Hui. A tall and handsome figure just like other men in the Lu family. Grey eyes, brown hair, face always carried a pleasant smile which made him look even smarter and approachable.

He was one easy-going person exactly opposite to how Lu Qiang and Lu Feng were that made him a perfect figure as an elder brother who always looked after the younger ones.

"I'm good." Answering Lu Qiang asked, "When did you arrive?"

"Just a while ago," Lu Han replied.

A few years ago, elder Lu had called Lu Chen to the city as he missed living with his both sons. At the time, the responsibility of the business in town fell on Lu Han. The business in the town was the origin of Lu Corporation and couldn't be ignored; someone from the family needed to be there at all times.

"Brother, you are back." Lu Lijun came running when he saw his brother. Lu Qiang just patted his head with a smile.

"Did you see what our sisters brought for me? A dream catcher! Now I won't get any bad dreams. Isn't it nice?" He held the colorful, threaded dream catcher in his hand.

"Indeed," Lu Qiang replied. "I'll catch up with you later after I freshen up."

Lu LjJun nodded. "Grandpa called everyone to the garden, so I am going there."

"Okay! I'll be there soon."


At Jiang residence.

Jiang Yuyan was lying on her bed with her eyes closed. She remembered the incident in front of the washroom and the words uttered by the man. Sitting up on the bed, she touched her lips and exclaimed, "I just had my first kiss! How can that be?"

"My first kiss happened just like that, and that too with a stranger!" She lay down back, stunned at the realization. Throwing the quilt and pillows away, she clutched her hair as she cried.

"My first kiss… my first kiss got stolen!"