I Love You, Yuyan!

Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan were looking at each other; just then, the butler arrived with a wooden box. It was the same box that Lu Qiang had with him for so many years, which treasured his memories with Jiang Yayan, and he prepared it as a birthday gift in the middle of the night. 

Putting the box on the table in the gallery, the butler left.

Lu Qiang stepped towards the table, picked up that box, and returned to his place to stand in front of Jiang Yuyan. 

He passed that box to her as he informed, "This is for you."

Receiving the old wooden box, she asked, "What is this?"

"Something that I treasured a lot and something that you will like," Lu Qiang commented, and Jiang Yuyan raised her eyebrows, feeling curious.

Jiang Yuyan opened the box and saw a few things that looked familiar to her but couldn't understand. Feeling puzzled, she looked at Lu Qiang to get the answer, but he didn't tell her.